Both Stockholm and Gothenburg are really nice cities - they're pretty safe too unless you seek out drug lords or park your bike without a decent lock. Just don't come here during the winter - you'll be depressed by the lack of daylight.
I really don't want to own multiple machines and certainly don't want to lwn a clunky desktop. I was quite happy with Stadia, but need to look at external GPUs through oculink as that would provide me with the best of two worlds.
Currently, my gaming is very light with rather si lle graphics.
You're asking excellent and very relevant questions.
OP, take heed.
Do not get the L-models. They're cheap, have crappy build quality and I daresay that thinkpad skimps on the non-obvious parts that will hinder performance - even though the machine looks powerful on paper.
Put your money into a better product instead.
Track record.
This is a norm to be avoided. A phone without updates (at least security updates) should be avoided at all costs considering the potential consequences.
Don't thank me, thank Stallman. I stole it straight from straight him ;-)
That's good to hear. I assume the normal- and IR-cameras aren't working? The latter is nice to have, the former is a bit of must-have in today's remote work environment.
How's unihertz track record with providing updates? This is an important factor to avoid artificial obsolescence.
Surface wasn't meant to run linux. Its a struggle to get it working on them.
/owner of 3 defenestrated surface devices.
In Sweden (and most European countries?) you need a two year education (1,5 yr theoretical, 0,5 yr field training) before you can work as a police officer. I think in parts of US the training is just a matter of weeks/months, which is very little considering the situations one need to handle.
There is at least plugins that enables sync by alternative ways. They're not as elegant, but work.
Since everything, including settings, is stored in the same root folder as the notes - you can sync your settings along your notes through other tools too.
I subscribed to wallabag, but there are so many rough edges I gave up on it after six months. Terrible experience ๐