Il fallait une preuve de plus qu'il y a beaucoup trop de gens qui ont beaucoup trop d'argent ?
By great, I meant that it is indeed the second largest democracy in the world and that, imperfect as it may be, it is functional... But that last statement will soon be put to the test I'm afraid.
I'm sorry, dear US-American friends because you have a great democracy but also at the same time one of the most flawed electoral systems of any democratic state in the world...
Et puis ? Malheureusement, ces actions sont quotidiennes et pas poursuivies en France, même avec une preuve vidéo, tant qu'il n'y a pas de blessé ou tué... Il faut faire en sorte que la poursuite soit systématique et là encore que la peur change de camp.
It's a large-spotted genet :)
I have a stupid question but what are the costs of a journal like this? I mean, if they don't pay the researchers and the reviewers, what do they do?
On est repartis ! 😁
Somebody wants a word with you
Perhaps it's because our society values certain professions much more than others, particularly those in the social/educational sector, which are particularly undervalued. IMO, we need to put everything on the table and reconsider what we want to be considered as useful work for society.
I saw a giant sand sloth (two eyes and one nose) and can't unsee it 😅