"The only thing that stops a bad MRI with a gun is a good MRI with a gun."
I had hopes other drivers would have joined Verstappen in the swearing in some kind of 'I'm motherfucking Spartacus' moment.
I heard they recently switched to pagers because cell phones where deemed to be compromised. So I think besides the direct deaths and injuries, this attack also targeted lines of communication and trust in technology as a whole (or anything supplied by your superior even).
"There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."
*Alonso frantically searching for his helicopter hat and skateboard*
Wow, 152 people died during a verdict?
I don't eat meat at all myself
So turkey is still on the menu then, in Minnesota at least.
Schisms are just feature branches, it all makes sense!
like a 504 Internal Server Error
I don't think so Tim.
"Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings".
It looks extremely al dente.