I was talking about the global 1% since that's usually what those kind of stats are aimed at
Yeah - everyone is shitting on the top 1% here in Germany until they realize that half the population here makes it into that percentile and suddenly it's the 0,1% that's the problem.
It's all about putting the blame on someone else so you don't have to question if you might be a little bit responsible, too, with your lifestyle...
If the fine is not a fixed amount but actually gets more expensive the more money you have it actually is quite nice though
Always enjoy those stories about millionaires paying some big sums for speeding tickets in Switzerland
If you pirate stuff they can sue you to the ground but if a fine is not related to total income or wealth it's just something to be ignored.
Can't understand why not more people lobby for fines to be proportional in general...
Can't have the already well-off children go without their steady income that they didn't have to work for...
I thought that guy was supposed to be "Anarcho"?
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My kind of humour when one of the main reasons for switching to Firefox right now is the adblock
Wie Böhmermann letzten so schön meinte: nachzusehen in der ZDF Mediathek unter www.youtube.com
Dieses deplubizieren ist echt ein Witz
Perhaps you should do something about that "raped, tortured and enslaved" part so the death penalty seems better than prison? Prison is supposed to keep dangerous people away from society and rehabilitate them if possible.
People in prison should be safe from such crimes happening to them.
I really don't understand how people are okay with this "he's going to be killed in prison" sentiment of someone is sent there for very bad crimes when his sentence is "prison" and not "death". Prison should mean being locked away safely from society having time to think about their crimes - nothing else.
"But it's totally just valid anti-Israel criticism - believe us"
Criticism of both sides is fine but there are too many people straight up picking the Palestinian side without questions and even implying that Israel is deliberately killing civilians for the sake of it without thinking a second about if that even makes sense because they apparently believe that all Israelis ("all Jews") are evil...
Instead of disabling autosave you could also give the advice to only save the game if your characters are standing still or if you are currently in a dialogue at a point where you can select an option
That should make it impossible to save the game while autosave is running
One of the reasons is probably the same why Tesla isn't releasing their Cybertruck outside of the us - the Crash-Tests there just don't factor in pedestrian survival rates if they are hit by the car that you want to release on the market. Most of those giant trucks don't make it here because they'd just run over any pedestrian they hit without them having any chance of survival even at low speeds.
Add to that the totally car-centered infrastructure that basically punishes everyone not in a car and you have the perfect storm for dead pedestrians and bikers...