I really like komoot but I find that the routes are not super good or complete for Japan where I live. I use Ride With GPS instead.
I have always wanted to try Clairefontaine. They are not super popular in Aus (where I am from) and I have never seen them here in Japan, but I hear that they are really nice to write in.
Another stellar release. 8bitdo are seriously becoming a force to be reckoned with. When my Xbox Elite 2 dies I’ll probably get one of these to replace it. Already have the Ultimate as my go to for the Switch and when I have my Steam Decked docked to the TV.
Wonder if all this tariff nonsense it going to hurt its foothold in the US…
No problem! When I get home I will cross-link to Journaling too! Let's build some great places here.
Gotta start somewhere. Hopefully we can turn it into a nice and vibrant community!
Nice! I really like Field Notes books, they were the first ones I started using when I got into carrying notebooks with me. I found that the ghosting was too much for me with fountain pens, so I ditched them a while ago. What pens are you using?
I really need to practice my hiragana and katakana. I rarely have to write Japanese but lately I have been filling out so many forms that I really need to re-learn to make my life easier haha.
I am lucky enough to not have an English teaching job, and never have. But unless you are highly specialized, or somehow manage to start your own thing here, there seems to be limite scope as a foreigner to really have a strong career.
I am actually moving to Shiga Prefecture in a few days. It's going to be a big change from living on the outskirts of Tokyo for the past six years. Excited to see how my perception of life in Japan changes from the move.
So I usually hit the Sleep focus mode on my phone when I actually am going to sleep, so in that case it should be pretty accurate. Looking at the Auto Sleep app, it shows I only got 6.5 hours of sleep and showed some awake periods that don't match the Apple Watch reading either. I feel like I got less sleep, so I am almost inclined to just use Auto Sleep and forget that Apple is even there, except I do like having all my data in the Apple Health app.
Hadn't seen the tweet. I was using Hey but those founders have also been problematic apparenty, and the service is just expensive, not as secure as what Proton offers, and I thought I could consolidate a number of services and accounts and save some money...
I live and work in Japan, and it definitely is not a very condusive environment for younger Japanese people to have children. My wife and I are both foreigners, and we are in out late 30's and just had our first. The country has some really great benefits and support services for having children, but we definitely would not be able to do this if we worked for Japanese companies, and with the Japanese work mentality.
While it IS getting better, work being the central pillar of life and the expectations from the older generations are still very much a thing. The long hours of paper pushing, the culture of promotion based on age and time served rather than innovation and hard work takes a toll on people. If you are not living in the office in your 20s to show your dedication, you are looked down upon, at least accoridng to my Japanese friends.
Immigration could help fix some of this. Japan is a desireable, largely affordable country, that is safe when it comes to raising children. Living here as a foreigner though has specific challenges, and your job prospects are pretty poor unless you are lucky, and access to housing and just general living can be challenging, even if you can speak Japanese.
I just got a new job in Kyoto, and I currently live in Tokyo. I would say around 40% of the houses we applied to look at would not even let us see the properties because we are foreigners. That's 100% legal and totally ok to say here, and I take that in stride. In Australia (where I am from), they would either just tell you to piss off, or show you the property knowing you don't have a chance, so at least they are upfront about it here I guess. Getting a credit card is a massive ordeal, which you kinda need here because debit cards are increasingly hard to find, and they don't even work for all bills and systems, and getting a bank account ... it all just snowballs.
Also anything outside of the major cities is kinda dead. I love it, but living and thriving there in places that have more space that would probably promote having big families, is nearly impossible, or at least impossibly boring. This is not unique to Japan, Australia is largely the same outside of the main cities.
Not sure what the fix is. But annecdotally I see these articles all the time, and yet there are kids and younger families always around, so not sure if it is as serious as they are saying, or more media hype?
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
I’m so glad I switched to Kagi. The writing was on the wall once they started rolling out the AI suggestions wide.