Yes, the "Kabinett" (The chancellor and the ministers) approved the plans, but it needs to be approved by other governmental institualtions as well before it becomes reality.
Netflix, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, Google...
The enshittification is going full steam ahead.
It's actually "Herz eines Drachen" ;)
Was ist hier die Hintergrundstory? Hab ich was verpasst?
I fucking hate Discord. It's a walled garden. You need an account to see the content and you can't google shit. It might be great for real time communication, but I can't grasp how its usage has evolved beyond any of that.
Same reason why I heavily reduced my beef consumption. I'm a beef lover, but nowadays I only eat a steak like every two months or something. Everytime I see fields of corn I'm wondering how much of it has been planted for one single steak.
It's a shame, because I fucking love steaks :(
I'm not even an Apple user but somehow I still feel like Apple is one of the very last companies where privacy and the security of your data is more worth than a dime.
The downfall of reddit doesn't suddenly turn Google+ into a good product.
Kluge bekam auch in einem weiteren Fall recht: Sie ging gerichtlich gegen einen weiteren Blog vor, verzichtete jedoch auf Unterlassungsansprüche. Daraufhin wurde in dem Blog ein Artikel mit der Überschrift: »Versuchte Abmahnung gegen Ansage: Totalitär tickende Transe zieht den Schwanz ein«
Versuchen diese Pestflöhe eigentlich, ihrer Meinung mit diesen Alliterationen mehr Gewicht zu verleihen?
It's funny how every time someone asks this question there's at least one guy in the comments praising their rice cooker, lol
Ist das echt? Bitte lass es echt sein!
Is this in Germany? This looks very German to me and I can't even tell why.