I don't care what others believe, they're voting to support genocide. The only control I have in this situation is to not actively support those commiting genocide. Everything else is out of my control.
joined 1 year ago
So is every american voting for these candidates, I refuse to give them my support by choosing to actively support genocide.
I'd rather be doing that than voting to support a genocidal candidate.
I am already complicit by virtue of birthplace, that doesn't mean I have to take an active role in supporting the lesser evil.
The genocide is going to happen either way, as both candidates are in favor of it. The only choice I have in the matter is whether to to support those candidates with my vote or not. I am complicit by virtue of birthplace, that doesn't mean I have to actively support it by helping the lesser evil further their political goals.
So kiss my north end.
I don't think anyone thinks trump is going to rescue anything.
It is the reality we live in, and I'm not happy about it as much as the next guy. I refuse to give my support to any candidate who is saying they'll support a genocidal regime. The rest is out of my control.