How do you tell it has no ads from a single, probably cropped, screenshot?
Strictly speaking, that question is invalid, as a rock has no genetic material. It's like saying "You're more similar in color to sand than to mathematics."
Was Carl Sagan a stoner? Or do I just not know what "baked" means?
Swap steps 1 and 3.
Dunno about English, but in German, "living under the bridge" means "being homeless". Which is free. For now. Better try it before it gets a fee.
Well, as long as it's just a hungry pack of wolves and not a pack of hungry wolves.
And watch out for the Sukhoi Su-35.
Ain't I Right by Marty Robbins
You have a lot of guts, posting that.
I'd say it was very much intentional to make that character attractive. Which is a weird choice for an anthropomorphic rabbit, especially in a kids movie.
I'd say 100% is perfectly fine. He just needs to work on his timing.