
joined 2 years ago

This program written in C will render the matrix effect in the terminal window in the background, while rendering an image in the foreground, allowing animation of this image in one or two dimensions.


Image rendering is done with chafa.

This program is the continuation and evolution of other projects:

This is a tui implementation of the popular classic naval battle game, written in Bash.

The objective of the game is to destroy the computer's fleet, before the computer achieves the same against you.

You take turns with the computer, hitting squares in each other's grids.

You have to guess the position of the enemy ships on the computer's 10x10 grid, in order to win.


You lose if the computer achieves sinking your ships first.


tui mines is evidently a text-based user interface implimentation of the classic mine sweeping puzzle game.

The user has to clear a board, square by square, flagging the squares suspected to hide mines on the way.

If the user opens a mine square, things go KABOOM! and the game is lost.


The user uses hints from the numbered squares. This numbers how many bombs are touching that square in every direction ( 8 in total).

Through logic, and a bit of luck, the player ends up clearing all the squares, while flagging all the mines.

Ladder is a word puzzle, played in a terminal window.

Your starting point is an initial four-letter word.

Your goal is to transform this word, one letter at a time, through other valid words, and end up with the target word.

The tricky part is that on each entry, you can change ONLY ONE LETTER.