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Four bunny children are at the dinner table. Two of them have been given dessert; banana splits! The other two have bowls with unfinished carrots, which they stubbornly refuse to eat (they have eaten the greens of the carrots, but left the actual carrot part.) Their parent scolds them and withholds their banana splits.

Source: Bluesky


A bunny stands on the edge of the wall of an old-fashioned mansion. Ivy is growing over the wall, and there is a statue of an angel; the mansion might be abandoned! It is dusk out, and the bunny on the edge of the wall is backlit, looking directly at the viewer

Source: Bluesky


A bunny helps some squirrels decipher a map. The map is a squirrel map showing where some nuts were buried, using crude squirrel pictograms. However, the map is in two pieces, and the bunny is trying to put it back together. The squirrel's flag is flying in the background, showing that they fancy themselves as pirates.

Source: Bluesky


Source: Bluesky


A bunny observes a trio of squirrels at night, heading in a line to their secret hideout, which is in a hollow stump. The bunny is by a treetrunk, but is not well hidden, and has just been spotted by the leader squirrel. The hideout is like a normal stump, but has a small satellite dish on top.

Source: Bluesky


Two bunnies are in an old boxcar on a moving train: They are both hoboes in the great depression. One of them, the younger one, has just recently 'hopped' the traincar. The older bunny, sitting in the corner, has a harmonica in his paws. A barn and a field are visible through the door of the boxcar.

Source: Bluesky


A bunny, in a museum at night, steals a painting. He hides around the corner from a security guard bunny, who shines his light suspiciously at the empty space where the painting once hung. The painting itself is just a painting of some cats, and is probably less valuable than the other objects in the museum.

Source: Bluesky


Two bunnies are extras in a cowboy movie: They are dressed as stereotypical desperados, and are on the roof of a saloon, presumably in the middle of a shootout. One bunny, having just been 'shot', flings himself unrealistically from the roof, hand on his heart. The other bunny rolls his eyes at the performance.

Source: Bluesky


Many bunnies dig holes out in the desert, like in the novel "Holes". One of the bunnies has just accidentally thrown dirt onto another with his shovel. A bunny on the right is almost finished with his hole, while a bunny on the left has barely started.

Source: Bluesky


A bunny sits in the pilot seat of a small floatplane. The plane is on the water, not flying at the moment, and is yellow and green like a banana. Many ducks are sitting comfortably on both wings of the plane, perhaps waiting for takeoff so they can get a boost.

Source: Bluesky


A bunny clings to the hour hand on a clocktower. The bunny is clinging for dear life, and the hour hand is shifting slowly from 2 in the morning to 3 in the morning. It is nothing like the classic Harold Lloyd film "Safety Last"!

Source: Bluesky


A bunny is out at in a forest night, with an old-fashioned oil lamp. He looks up at a bat flying by in the darkness. The bat takes no notice of the bunny.

Source: Bluesky

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