
joined 1 year ago

Ei oikein ole mitään muuta relevanttia yhteisöä täällä minne jakaa suomalaista musiikkia, joten jaan tänne, mutta vittu Aution Antti julkaisi vähän yli viikko sitten taas semmosta tykitystä suomalaista melankoliaa että ei mitään rajaa. Ei tämä varmaan kaikille uppoa, mutta en muista milloin ennen Putron tai Martikaisen parhaimpia olisi viimeksi jokin kolahtanut näin paljon.


Another song released from the album that disappeared for over a decade!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

I'm not pretending anything and you're putting words in my mouth I never said or intentionally misenterpreting my words and I'm done with this bad faith argument of yours.

I'm not Mike Johnson and acknowledging discrimination doesn't make me privileged. You can discriminate all you want it doesn't make it any less discrimination. Nor does it make discrimination against someone even if they might be privileged any less discrimination.

If you really think someone who just happens to have been born those things and gets the worst treatment than someone who, say is, POC and/or LGBTQ, who is better off than someone who is homeless for example you're delusional and extremely discriminative. It largely concerns all of those things, but it's not as bipolar as american identity politics makes it up to be, it's more about class politics and politics essentially and way more subjective and individual than you're making it out to be - which is exactly my point, not a single one of any gender, sexuality, class, anything is a fucking monolith you should discriminate against as one. But you're free to downvote instead of discussing.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

But that's at least partially my point. That's discrimination, not all white people, not all straight people, not all men, are privileged and if you think that you're reinforcing the same discrimation you're supposedly against. Sure, there might be, proportionally, because of historical reasons/historical discrimination, more "straight white men" who are more privileged than most, but that's more about politics and thinking that way you are already discriminating against people just for being born the skin color they're born with, the sexuality and gender they're born with which we all know we have no control over. And that's fucked up.

If you really think there are no white or straight people or men that don't have the same privileges as some piece of shit like this guy or even a bunch of minority people I really cannot trust you're arguing in good faith. Class etc, privilege isn't all about the color of your skin or sexuality. Things are more subjective and inidividual than that.

I agree it makes this turd of a human being more of a hypocrite and I don't disagree with the comment I replied to entirely. I just don't see why there is a need to discriminate against an entire group of people just for the way they're born. I thought fighting against that very notion was the exact point.

e: Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point and possibly not explaining my point well (I am veeery tired), but anyway. Just because Mike Johnson is an asshole doesn't mean people should paint an entire gender or race or anything as assholes is my point. I get that the OC is somewhat sarcastic, but still.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (5 children)

I don't see a need to bring race into this.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

And you think if nudity wasn't a taboo people wouldn't be self conscious about anything (ie. their bodies)? Especially considering the acoustics in most showers (hint:even the people who normally can't hear you talk in your home can hear you sing in the shower). Especially considering people are self conscious as hell about their bodies even with clothes on?

A car is a much more private and safe space than a shower.

Not being a dick, just curious what your train of thought here is.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

the mirror is visibly turned on

That's a sentence.

Yeah you wanna use that mirror, yeah?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That was a disappointing Where's ~~Waldo~~ the Nazi. Everyone is either clapping or some shit. Waste of time. At least the dude with the roasted chicken for a hat was fun. 1/5 don't recommend.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

That's easy: the mix of puke, stomach acid, bits of whatever you last ate and the last couple of drinks and beer/wine you had, because you're damn sure not wasting that precious alcohol!

Another one: the room temp leftovers of all the beers and other drinks from the night/weekend poured into a pint when you're cleaning up. The Hangover Special! Yummy. Bonus points if there's a cigarette/joint butt in there somewhere that you fish out because you didn't notice someone had used that can as an ashtray. Delicious!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Are you sure that's not a feature on the app you're using? How do you block an instance? It's frequently one of the most talked about missing features.


Just transferred all of my subscriptions and blocks from my older, former main account on another instance and I have to say I couldn't be happier that Sopuli is not federated with lemmynsfw and such, my block list for communities was in the four figures over there and here it's hundreds and hundreds less. I'm so happy for being able to scroll All without having to play whack-a-mole with a billion porn communities most of which have and ever will only have the one active person. Every, goddamn, time. I literally had a mental checklist of searchwords I'd go through once a week or two and it'd be dozens and dozens every week and even that didn't cover it.

Just wanted to post if there is ever a question of whether to federate with instances like this. Especially as long as there is no way to block instances. It really makes a maaaasssive difference.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

t-rex isn't exactly known for being able to take things

I mean, in defense of the t-rex, it's not it's it's arms that are grabbing whatever it is, it's their maw. Try resisting a t-rex trying to get something off your hands with it's teethy mouth you're not gonna have arms left to resist.

But then you could, in this hypothetical scenario, argue that it'd be more equal then. Neither of you would have useful arms to fight with.

I'm betting on the t-rex in a mouth-combat match.

Even with a bunch of guns, I bet a t-rex could sustain more bullets than a human could sustain one nibble from a t-rex mouf.

E: and I bet you could teach a t-rex to shoot a firearm even if it couldn't aim that well. So an armed t-rex would definitely win.


Tullut tässä jonkun vuoden verran satunnaisina unettomina öinä metsästettyä yhtä vanhaa, jonkun MikroBitin tai vastaavan cd:llä tullutta free/shareware peliä ihan tekoälyn avulla löytymättä. Vaan nytpä löyty ja löytyy vielä Internet Archivesta. We Got Explosives 2.

Varmasti monelle ysärillä kasvaneelle/pelanneelle tutun Mine Bombersin tapainen ja tyylinen peli, jota tuli penikkana jauhettua sisarusten kanssa niin paljon, että se jostain muistisuikeroista on vuosikymmenien jälkeen kaivautunut vaivaamaan niinkin paljon, että sitä piti nostalgiapärinöissä metsästää kissojen ja koirien kanssa. Vihdoin se tosiaan sitten löytyi Wikipediasta: Luettelo suomalaisista shareware ja freewarepeleistä, joka olikin melkoinen nostalgiapulahdus.

Monta "klassikkoa" jota on kavereiden kanssa hakattu räkänokkina aivan älyttömät määrät tunteja. Areena 5 (josta löytyy jopa vielä ilmeisesti kehitettävä mobiiliversio), Death Rally, Porrasturvat, Tapan Kaikki, Wings ja Triplane Turmoil joiden en edes tajunnut olevan suomalaisia. Ihme että Koiratappelua ei luettelosta löydy, siinä meni näppäimistön riittävyys joskus melko tiukille. Myös semmonen ulkomainen velhopuzzleilu kuin Lurid Land jäänyt mieleen jonka joku vuosi sitten etsinkin pölyttymään jonkun kovon nurkkaan odottamaan pelaamista.

Onko muilla mitään suosikkeja tai nostalgiapärinöitä näiltä Mikrobitin ja muiden ilmaisjakelupeleistä/demoista?