Far from it, but I like that 22/7 is numerically closer.
I’m American, but observe on July 22nd.
The in-line ads and newsletter signup popup really take the trust in this site down a bit.
I’ll grant you that good champagne is better than great domestic sparkling.
But “no matter how good it is?” I don’t care what something is called; there is good domestic sparkling, and there is bad champagne. I’d rather drink the “good “” without the label.
Interesting aside. Because the senate never recognized the article in The Treaty of Versailles that prohibited use of Champagne, there are producers on the US grandfathered into being able to, technically, use the term.
Totally agree, although I think it’s likely the police are already on board.
I actually think there will be some restrictions on the second amendment in the next four years. It’ll be targeted at “others;” liberals, minorities, immigrants. But it will be an erosion of the second amendment, and the white “come and take it” crowd will cheer.
It’s a pretty outdated view that US wine (primarily from California, Oregon, Washington) is of lesser quality of that of Europe. True, the big flagship wines -the first growth Bordeaux and premier cru Burgundy and Champagne, are rarely matched. But a large majority of American wine is on par with most European wine.
Now, of course I do not support tariffs on US imports of wine. But pushing back on the quality comment.
Confirming I too am having trouble with logging on to lemmy.ml in Mlem.
Handicapped parking spaces should be reserved only for those who require an assistive device that necessities additional room around their vehicle for unloading and loading.
In a hypothetical world in which protected handicap parking didn’t exist, these people would be burdened by needing to always find parking spaces with an additional empty space next to them, and hoping that space remained empty when they return. Too high a burden.
So we rightfully have built into our civic and building codes the requirement that a certain number of protected handicap parking spaces be available. At least in my jurisdiction if you look at protected handicap parking, you’ll see that every space has an additional half space next to it to allow for egress of assistive devices. Without these protective half spaces built into every handicap parking space, people requiring such devices would face the undue burden I mentioned above; these handicap spaces give people equal access.
My controversial take is that only people requiring such devices should be granted access to these spaces. Yes, I know that there are many people that have a more difficult time walking and can benefit from closer proximity to their destination, but in my opinion, these requirements shouldn’t be for the “benefit” of anyone, but only the equal treatment for those facing the aforementioned undue burden.
In my opinion, for every one person needing an assistive device, and every two people who would simply benefit from close proximity, there are numerous people who use handicap parking for convenience. I’ve seen motorcycles with handicapped parking placards for goodness sake.
Facts that concern me:
- they are on Twitter
- they use a combined username (gross)
- they list vacations as number one
!remindme 4 years