
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I'm sorry, but when there is so much at stake we have to lie. politicians have always lied. left and right. it's in their nature. they can't help it. if it's politically expedient to lie, even by omission, so the enemy doesn't use it against you and chips away at that majority, then I'm totally comfortable with that. of course, I'd much prefer that it was illegal for politicians to lie, like they are trialing in Wales, then we'd have a very different calibre of politics. I'm all for that. bring on enforced honesty in politics. but until that's established and the enemy, and let me make this very clear, the US Nazis are very much the enemy, we have to temper our political persona a bit. once we win then we show how inclusive and caring we are. but if saying something what could be used in an attack against our valiant cause, it's ok to hide it. for now. look at Walz, he's an ally to the cause and we're not hiding him. he's in full view, heart on his sleeve, and from what I can tell, he's a really good man. those are the qualities we need to show off. we're not hiding those morals, we're just not shouting loudly about some of the more progressive values we hold, so they can't be twisted and used against us. we need to win this election. fairly and absolutely convincingly. and I'm talking as a Kiwi, a citizen of Earth, watching on in horror what could be coming and the pivot in geopolitical power that would inevitably occur. your election has way more reach than just your shores. the good guys need to win and kick the US Nazis so hard in the nuts they remember loosing forever. anyway. thanks for listening

[–] [email protected] 50 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

jellyfin with sonarr and radarr and now jellyseerr make the whole process simple. usenet and nzb are the way now i just wait 10 min to get the film/series i want and then watch it. a minor delay I'm more than happy with. I'd be happy to pay if, and it's a big if, the studios can catalogue all their shows in one place. i can watch without adverts. i can pay per episode if i want. I'd rather pay 50c an episode than pay for the whole service. let me curate what I want to watch on my terms. until then, the high seas win every time

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

diagnosed at 50 last week

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

can't listen to music when working makes me focus on the music and not the work and i get nothing done silence please

[–] [email protected] 85 points 1 month ago (11 children)

i really hope the Dems have a plan to combat this nonsense

[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 month ago

this dude is awesome if I was younger and child free I'd volunteer to be on his boats and fuck up some japan whaling fleets this guy gets much respect he was too militant for Greenpeace we all need to be more militant to save this planet from the corporate chaos

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

this is good

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

too be fair I studied Latin at school 40 years ago so this tracks

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 months ago (7 children)

and now they can kick out Kier and reinstate Jeremy! right!? right?? in my dreams

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago

yeah like go round them up and put them in a room. you gave me this power. now resign. all of you, or seal team 6 takes you out. boom. then Biden chooses the judges he wants, reverts the immunity and rolls back all the recent crap. fixes everything. easy. no more of a coup than the Nazis have done. but now it's legal do it. for your very lives, do it, coz you guys are real real real close to fucking it up for everyone else too

[–] [email protected] 49 points 2 months ago (21 children)

the number of transitioned people who were harmed by the process is significantly less than the people who feel it improved their life significantly. there are failures across all medical procedures, you don't see people denying appendectomies to people because a few people died? get over yourself and let people live their best life

[–] [email protected] 82 points 2 months ago (19 children)

you guys are going to have to vote like your lives depends on it, coz it probably does. at what point does this become civil war? it feels like you guys are in a death spiral, and the only way out of it is to literally take out the other side. honestly if the rest of the world has to come over there and bash your heads together we'll be properly pissed good luck We're all going to need Trump to lose signed, The World

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