
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

A l’audience, il s’était dit « vraiment désolé que la victime ait entendu ces malheureux propos ».

Je ne suis pas désolé de l'avoir dit, je suis désolé de m'être fait prendre... Misère...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

C'est génial ! Ça va durer plus longtemps que Les Feux de l'Amour cette histoire ! Tous les jours on en trouve une nouvelle !

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It would be so great, maybe one day!


Not my content, I'm not affiliated with StatCan


What does a modest, basic standard of living look like in your community?

Canada adopted the Market Basket Measure (MBM) as its Official Poverty Line in June 2019. The MBM reflects the combined costs of a basket of goods and services a family needs to meet a modest, basic standard of living. Each year, basket costs are adjusted to account for inflation, and every five years, the MBM basket undergoes a complete review and update.

To ensure poverty continues to be accurately measured in your community, you can provide your input on what this “modest, basic standard of living” looks like in your community via our short, anonymous questionnaire. Please participate—your opinion is important to us!

Le Canada a adopté la mesure fondée sur un panier de consommation (MPC) comme seuil officiel de la pauvreté en juin 2019. La MPC tient compte des coûts combinés d’un panier de biens et de services dont une famille a besoin pour atteindre un niveau de vie de base modeste. Chaque année, les coûts du panier sont ajustés pour tenir compte de l’inflation, et tous les cinq ans, le panier de la MPC fait l’objet d’un examen approfondi et d’une mise à jour.

Pour faire en sorte que la pauvreté continue d’être mesurée avec précision dans votre communauté, veuillez nous faire part de vos commentaires sur ce qu’est un « niveau de vie de base modeste » dans votre communauté en répondant à notre court questionnaire anonyme. Merci d’y participer — votre opinion est importante pour nous!

CPI for December 2023 - 3.4% (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

Personally, I'd like a solution to have more cash accounts, and especially joint ones and maybe kids accounts.

A real interact debit card would also be great, but that I can more easily deal with.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago

There are quite a few competitors in retail banking, like EQ Bank, Alterna Bank, motus, ....

But none of them have achieved a critical size IMO, especially when compared to WS.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I'm curious: what was your problem with Google Forms?

Our form has more questions than cashew (day of the expense if not today, amount, category, recipient, description and spender), but could easily be made shorted, so it could be a 4 step process :

  1. Touch shortcut
  2. Enter description
  3. Choose category
  4. Enter amount
  5. Click submit

I've been using my own Google Spreadsheet for a few years now, and it would really be hard to switch to something else, not because of Forms, but because it works the exact way I need and if something is missing, I can easily add it. It is also mostly technology agnostic, so I could easily move it to Excel or LibreOffice. I'd have to rewrite part of it in order to get back live currency exchange rates and stock data though.


Each week, we invite you to join this open conversation on a wide range of financial topics. Whether you’re interested in real estate, investments, the stock market, salary-related queries, or simply have general questions about managing your finances, this post is for you.

Feel free to participate, regardless of your level of experience or specific interests in finance, and share your questions and experiences!


Each week, we invite you to join this open conversation on a wide range of financial topics. Whether you’re interested in real estate, investments, the stock market, salary-related queries, or simply have general questions about managing your finances, this post is for you.

Feel free to participate, regardless of your level of experience or specific interests in finance, and share your questions and experiences!


Each week, we invite you to join this open conversation on a wide range of financial topics. Whether you’re interested in real estate, investments, the stock market, salary-related queries, or simply have general questions about managing your finances, this post is for you.

Feel free to participate, regardless of your level of experience or specific interests in finance, and share your questions and experiences!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Due to inflation, there will thus have been only one year with a limit of $6500.

Reminder of the annual limits:

2023 $6 500
2022 $6 000
2021 $6 000
2020 $6 000
2019 $6 000
2018 $5 500
2017 $5 500
2016 $5 500
2015 $10 000
2014 $5 500
2013 $5 500
2012 $5 000
2011 $5 000
2010 $5 000
2009 $5 000

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

The only reason I can see is that the mortgage isn't funded by Equitable Bank but by a third-party lender. So I wonder if this is a way to circumvent the lending ratios on mortgages, which would allow people to qualify for higher amounts despite the higher interest rate.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Hahaha boring and effective is generally the best way, thank you for sharing !

What's the split on your serious money/fun money/crypto investments? Do you do any rebalancing?

The latter two give a combo of interest and dividends which is taxed more favourably than an actual bank HISA with the same return.

Are you sure about that? If I remember correctly, tax treatment is the same between these ETF interests and regular savings accounts interests, ie added to income and taxed at your marginal tax rate.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

Definitely get your bearish sentiment. Many companies are adjusting their outlooks downward due to economic challenges like inflation, supply chain issues, and geopolitical concerns. The market's uncertainty is evident in VIX's movement. Caution and risk management are key now.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

Although exact pricing was not yet available, rates are expected in the 9% range given that this is an uninsured alternative lending product with an extended amortization and potential higher risks

Can you feel affordability flowing?

EDIT : Just for fun, I ran the numbers :

• Loan of $500,000 at 7% over 25 years: monthly payment $3,534, total interest $560,169

• Loan of $500,000 at 7% over 30 years: monthly payment $3,327, total interest $697,545

• Loan of $500,000 at 9% over 40 years: monthly payment $3,857, total interest $1,351,268

I don't even understand the existence of this product...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

With the skyrocketing real estate values, I just found out that my city now uses two different values for calculating taxes, a lower value based on the last assessment, and for transfer tax, which is a higher value updated annually based on the tax value and a coefficient. For 2023, in our area, this coefficient is 1.3. This means that the minimum value for calculating the transfer tax is 30% higher than the municipal value of the property.

So I'm wondering: why don't they use the same value in both cases? Wouldn't that be more logical?

For reference, the municipal value was updated in 2022, and that year, the municipal value was equal to the value for calculating the transfer duty. Does this mean they believe that houses have increased in value by 30% in one year?

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