I remember that from when I was a kid too, my family had quite a few in my mom's sewing room. These take up a little less space lol.
No problem, I hope you enjoy it.
Drag me to hell is a awesome one. I recently seen they're planning a second one. I'm kinda excited to see what they do with that.
Thanks, I really like the Ouija movies too. Get outs also pretty good. It's probably my favorite of jordan peeles movies so far. It's definitely worth a watch.
I'd second Tucker and dale vs evil. I'd also recommend ready or not and better watch out (2016) and final girls (2015) The final girls is pretty much a horror comedy Friday the 13th.
It's been a little while since I've seen that one. Thanks, I'll add it to the list for tonight.
This one looks like a really fun movie, One of most anticipated movies of the year. I'm excited to give it a watch.
That's a long time, but we can't stop someone else from being a spineless fuck so best to move on. With enough of us leaving hopefully they'll start to feel it.
Yeah I refuse to support nazi supporters. Spez has done some dumb shit over the years but this was the final straw. I've only been here about a week but it already seems like a much better environment.
Thanks, I've really been enjoying it. I was on redd it for about 12 years and it won't be missed.
This is what brought me to lemmy after getting threatened to be banned for up voting anti trump and musk post. Fuck trump, fuck musk and fuck spez. Fucking goofs.
I'm working on it lol. I got little monsters (2019) and attack the block (2011) in the mail.