Oh nice, it's sugar free!
Yeah, because that worked so incredibly well in the past. Just look what a great time the Tibetans had. How Hong Kong is flourishing. Tell me more about Chinas great track record when it comes to honouring it's regions independence.
A demented lich would be kinda awesome. Gotta talk to my DM...
X-Wagen? Heißen die wirklich so?
I don't know about this one, but we had a group of these around here a couple of years back. They largely flew under the radar until their leader one day decided enough was enough, marched to the nearest military based and asked to see the commander. She then handed him a list of people to arrest including the president, every member of the government and a couple of other high profile people. In comparison that the screenshot seems fairly tame, so I'll believe it.
KV Anpassungen sind jetzt nicht wirklich freiwillig. Die sind bei allen Arbeitgebern die ich hatte umgesetzt worden. An eventuelle leistungsbezogene Erhöhungen muss man eventuell bestehen.
I like to give Pavel the benefit of the doubt and assume he was not a willing participant when Russia took over VK. That said, it still happened, so what is to stop them from taking over Telegram too whether he is complicit or not?
What year is it?