I'm gonna go ahead and believe this post is sarcasm, ok? Because this is exactly the kind of bullshit these morons would argue with.
But Brisbane at least has the Felon's Brewery right under that bridge. Really nice location that.
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Das dachte ich auch immer, aber irgendwie werden hier die Autovervollständigungen auch automatisch übernommen. Und ich habe die Tastatur eigentlich so eingestellt, dass ich Vorschläge vorher annehmen muss. Es kann auch sein dass ich hier Blödsinn erzähle und ich mich immer weniger für Smartphones interessiere, wodurch ich gewisse Sachen nicht mehr mitbekomme. Aber in Signal z.B. bin ich deutlich sicherer unterwegs mit der Rechtschreibung.
Ich weiß nicht warum, aber ich habe echt Probleme mit der Autovervollständigung in der Voyager App. Ich mache hier deutlich mehr Fehler als sonst wo.
I'm sorry, I was referring to Germans that head down to Mallorca for a weekend to get shitfaced. It doesn't make sense that a train ride from Hamburg to Munich costs 5 times as much as a flight from Hamburg to Mallorca.
Inner European flights are also important, until we have a dedicated highspeed train network that connects all of Europe's larger cities with each other.
I'm absolutely for eliminating domestic flights within European countries. Let's get some good trains going instead. But traveling the skies is one of humanities greatest achievements and lets us explore other cultures in a way we otherwise never could. Let's not get rid of those. I don't want to be trapped here. Ban 30€ flights from Germany to Mallorca? Absolutely! Ban flights from Germany to APAC, Africa or the Americas? Please don't.
I have a feeling it might have to do with the cheeseburger being trapped in an airtight environment. That way the water can't evaporate, it stays in the can and condenses right back onto the cheeseburger once opened.
Hmm, I might backpedal a bit with my comment. Though I believe it's near impossible to get the contents to a flashing point unless the water that is used is in a pressurized environment. Condensed milk is a liquid, meaning it is heated a lot faster than food. Liquids are subjected to convection when heated, meaning they heat up easily. I doubt a hamburger inside a can will ever reach 100 °C in boiling water.
Still, thanks for explaining your reasoning, I work in the beverage industry and know a fair deal about pasteurization, but that all happens somewhere between 60-80 °C and CO2 is the main culprit in terms and peaking cans. I wasn't thinking about water turning into gas, thus increasing internal pressure.
Canned food is literally pasteurized in said can, while submerged in water at temperatures slightly lower than 100 °C. The whole reason to put food in cans is to create an airtight atmosphere that can be thermally treated with hot water. This kills certain spores (mainly botulinum) which is why canned food has a very long shelf life.
It's still not correct to cook the food that way, but not because of the reason you made up.
Dein Herz ist am rechten Fleck, aber dein Argument ist leider Müll. In anderen Ländern gibt es Schikanen und Drempel (mir fällt das deutsche wort dazu grad nicht ein), welche langsames fahren begünstigen. Hat man das nicht, dann passiert es nun mal sehr oft, dass man versehentlich deutlich schneller fährt.
You get that idea because no one actually browses the internet anymore. All people ever do is use fucking social Media and that's about it. No one's using Limewire to download porn/music, no one's using warez websites anymore, there are trustworthy porn aggregators so no one needs to visit dubious websites anymore.
Viruses are still a thing, and as someone already mentioned, chrome and edge themselves are spyware. Phishing is the more prodominant modus operandi nowadays.