Her dabbling in things like the Near-East conflict absolutely hurt her cause. It's generally not a good idea to fragment something that you're fighting for.
I got lucky, hardly experienced any bugs at all and I had the game from day one. Loved the atmosphere.
While I do agree with a couple of points, the amount of greens isn't a problem. Especially in Japan they like to load heaps of spring onions onto their food. Okonomiyaki often has a mountain of spring onions.
And this isn't a photography community. While most pictures here are just plain sad, this one has some color in it. And it's about the food I guess.
Mal abgesehen davon, finde ich den ganzen Blechmüll in Städten zum Kotzen. Ist schon richtig diesen Arschlöchern das Leben schwer zu machen, wenn sie sich nicht an die Regeln halten können. Die Regeln in Deutschland sind ja größtenteils sogar PRO Autofahrer. Die Bußgelder sind lächerlich niedrig.
I think this is one of the better pictures here. Most pictures have sad lighting and show some depressing, unidentifiable brown mass.
They do need a shaper knife however.
Conservative fuckfaces are trying to torpedo it. I fucking hate those people. Everything has turned to shit in the last couple of years. At least give me some weed .
I regularly have to work with them. They are worse than Hitler. Fuck ABI.
Cans are great from an energy-consumption point of view when viewing the entire lifecycle of a can.
I'm not from the US either but I can't deal with that piece of shit. If he wins, I'm getting a dumbphone and give up on the internet and any other form of news.
Also, good gear helps. But if you don't know what you're doing, then the best gear won't do you much good.
Mir ladde. Esse einmal im Jahr nen Döner und bereue es anschließend. Ist halt einfach kein gutes Essen.
I didn't mean it from that point of view. It simply has nothing to do with climate issues. And it's a controversial topic that can split the movement thus weakening it. She is the face of Fridays for Future after all.