I understand the motivation behind this opinion and would like to see testing of beauty products on animals outlawed. But pigs with lipstick is not really what you take the most issues with, is it? It's about giving rabbits cancer so we can test new cancer drugs on them. Assuming we make that illegal, how do you propose new cancer treatments should be tested?
It works by subvolume, which are not equivalent to partitions.
They don't incorporate chromium changes in safari, so it should be considered separate.
What about Safari?
Ich kann die Beweggründe hinter dem Artikel verstehen und stimme auf der Metaebene auch zu, dass teurer Wohnraum ein großes gesellschaftliches Problem ist.
Aber ich hab das Gefühl, dass sich die Autorin darüber aufregt, dass Leute Lösungsvorschläge machen, wenn sie ihr Problem beschreibt. Ist ok, wenn man nur Mitleid haben und nichts an der Situation ändern will. Aber Alternativen aufzeigen ist mMn auch eine legitime Antwort.
Wenn ich unbedingt auf Fiji Urlaub machen will (es muss kein 5 Sterne Hotel sein, ich will einfach nur ein Bett und da an den Strand) aber nichts in meinem Budget finde, dann ist es doch völlig legitim, dass Leute sagen "in Italien war ich Mal an einem so geilen Strand, da vergisst du komplett in welchem Land du offiziell bist, du bist einfach im Himmel".
Yeah, but the YouTube culture used to not use swearwords/unwanted words as a result of this. I have recently seen a few videos, where they said prn and sx, including cutting the vowels from the audio. This change in how to deal with the restrictions imposed by the platform is what I don't understand.
Edit: I have edited my comment above to be more precise.
Huh, interesting. This article has a scratch of the cross section of a dolphins head: https://hakaimagazine.com/news/scientists-discover-mouth-breathing-dolphin/
I understand that and I prefer to not swear most of the time as well. But these "I'll leave out the vowels" edits don't change the number of swearwords in the sentence.
Afaik tiktok also heavily censors topics that are considered bad publicity or whatever. In fact, considering that this self-censor trend (edit: this type of self censor trend that utilizes cutting out vowels instead of using euphemisms or not using the words at all) is much much younger than YouTube or Instagram (at least I noticed it only a few months, maybe one or two years ago) I'd say the American companies weren't even the driving force behind it.
Yes, but potentially less than is gained by the separation.
No one likes animal trials, most of all the researchers themselves who work with the animals. For example researchers cannot take any vacation during the trial. In fact someone needs to be in the lab at least once a day, including Sundays and public holidays.
Also animal trials are expensive.
Research on alternatives is progressing. It's not like there is a big conspiracy of sociopaths that get off on animal suffering and want to keep the status quo because of that. It's simply really really really hard to simulate a body to the necessary level.