
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Sure, I get that. The issue is that as soon as you introduce the ability to install apps from outside the App Store, it becomes possible to trick unsuspecting users into clicking buttons they don't understand. By designing a web page to look like an actual Apple page, a malicious party could convince users to "opt in" to outside sources, in a similar way in which phishing websites harvest users' online banking credentials. Currently, this kind of attack is entirely impossible on iPhone.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 8 months ago (3 children)

I think that's exactly the problem. The real user benefit will be very small, but in order to enable those changes, functionality will be implemented on everyone's phones to support sideloading. In my eyes, this increseas the attack surface against iPhones. Time and time again alt stores have been used to distribute fake apps and malware on Android, and the victims are often those users who haven't asked for sideloading and are unlikely to use it intentionally.

Yes, maybe this will enable an F-droid equivalent on iPhone and it will be great to have direct access to open-source apps. But is this niche addition worth potentially reducing the security of all iPhones? I'm not convinced.


After the latest update, instance names have disappeared from the subscription section on the navigation drawer. There doesn't seem to a be setting to bring those back. Without them, it's hard to distinguish between communities with similar names on different instances.


I often find image posts where clicking on the thumbnail doesn't load the picture and shows a generic error message. If I copy the image link, I can open it ok in the browser. I haven't been able to tie this to specific instances or communities, so I don't know what might be causing it.

Has anyone else seen this issue?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I used Standard Notes selfosted for a while, but, like many others, I've given up due to frequent issues. I've been trying Notesnook since and it more than does the job for me. A selfosted version should also be coming soon.


Yes, I've read many posts the current state of reddit. But today, somehow I thought it can't be that bad if I just go looking for some funny videos.

Boy, was I wrong. This post was at the top of my feed, and briefly scrolling through the comments got me out of there without looking at anything else ☠️

Oh, well, I tried...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

And on top of this, the removals were done following the request from a troll account, by a user involved in far more questionable discussions than the legal discussions currently going on in the now-removed communities. Should no attempt be made to differentiate between a legit legal concern and trolling?


On the old site, there were a number of funny video communities with regular posts, for example /r/Unexpected, /r/PublicFreakout, or /r/WhatCouldGoWrong. While there are plenty of memes on Lemmy, we have relatively little video content. Those of you who used to frequent video subs, what have you replaced them with since coming to Lemmy?