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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I'm not an American so I'm not sure I understand. Wikipedia says voter turnout in 2016 was 59.2% of the voting-eligible population. Even if we count is a percentage of the voting-age population (i.e. including people with felonies or without citizenship or barred from voting for other reasons) it's still 54.8% voter turnout.

But that bar at the top of the graph makes it look like only around 15% voted.

Can someone explain?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Wait, Verlan is l'envers, stromae is maestro... Is this Verlan thing just like Rioplatense Spanish's Vesre? (Vesre basically means revés i.e. inverse)

EDIT: Just looked it up on Wikipedia and it turns out this phenomenon happens in a number of languages: Riocontra in Italian (riocontra -> contrario), Podaná in Greek, Šatrovački in Serbia, Totoiana in Romanian.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

That's always the trade-off. Square ones fit better. Round ones are easier to wash (the corners non-round ones are slightly annoying to deal with depending on what was on the tupper)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

How does Premiere Pro do?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Nothing like the good old magical-thinking-from-guys-who-love-logic.

Believing oneself to be the rational one in life continues to sadly be the origin of so many blind spots in people's thinking.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Maybe on Lemmy and in some pockets of social media. Elsewhere it definitely doesn't.

EDIT: Also I usually talk with IRL non-tech people about AI, just to check what they feel about it. Absolutely no one so far knew what hallucinations were.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

It’s one of the ugly truths of human existence, that most people won’t admit.

I don't know, whatever social media I go this kind of comment tends to be one of me most upvoted/liked/shared ones, always. Don't think it's an unpopular statement at all. In my IRL country it's also an understood truth, there's many common sayings that allude to it. Maybe it's different in some countries like the US (maybe its puritan roots lead to a more euphemistic approach? I don't know).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I also think there is something to it just being the 90s or so and not having much choice.

Absolutely. I enjoyed and played a lot out of King of Dragon Pass back in the day. Yesterday I sat down to finally play its spiritual successor Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind. From what I remember from KoDP it plays exactly the same (at least during the first hour). Yet I couldn't force myself to keep playing it. Same way nowadays I can't seem to get hooked with genres I used to play a ton as a kid: RTS games like Age of Empires II and Warcraft 3, life sims like The Sims, point & click graphic adventures like Monkey Island, traditional roguelikes, city builders, etc. Other genres I try to get back into and I do manage to play a ton of hours of but I'm never able to finish like when I was young (e.g. JRPGs)

When I try to play many of those games I tend to feel kinda impatient and wanting to use my limited time to play something else that I feel I might enjoy better. A good modern 4X game with lots of mod support like Stellaris or Civ6 instead of RTS games which have always felt a bit clunky to me. Short narrative games like Citizen Sleeper or Roadwarden instead of longer ones I'm not able to finish. Any addictive modern roguelite, especially if it features mechanics I particularly like (like deckbuilding and turn-based combat). If I ever feel interested to play a life sim or a city builder nowadays it has to feature more RPG elements and/or iterative elements and/or deckbuilding and a very compelling setting to me. And so on.

It feels like many of the newer genres (or the updated versions of old genres) are just more polished and fine-tuned than genres that used to be popular in the 90s and the 2000s. They just feel better to play. And to be fair in some cases they might be engineered to be more addicting, too. Like, I did finish Thimbleweed Park some years ago but I feel like nowadays no one is going to play witty point & click graphic adventure games with obscure puzzles if they can play a nice-looking adventure game filled with gacha waifus.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

English is not my main language but wouldn't it be "knowledgeable" [about the specific topic] rather than "smart" here?

[–] [email protected] 32 points 6 months ago (1 children)

cultural marxism

As someone who lost a friend to that rabbit hole, I really think we should put that far right conspiracy theory between quotation marks when named alongside things that actually exist. Communism and feminism are real (even if they are perceived as demonic by these people, they still at least exist). "Cultural marxism" doesn't even have entity, it's just bullshit entirely made up by the usual grifters


What I mean is... sometimes people are very loyal to a videogame franchise or a company because they loved a game they released years ago (Silent Hill/Konami with Silent Hill 2, Blizzard/Bethesda with their respective golden eras, some could argue this happens too with Pokémon and Final Fantasy, etc). Ethical/consumer reasons aside to stop supporting certain companies, sometimes some franchises/companies aren't necessarily creating the best examples of games of those specific genres anymore, yet many fans are loyal to them (and a chunk of them also seem to suffer/complain with every new release).

Meanwhile some people that explore less known titles and different niches occasionally pop-up and say stuff like "the last Pokémon games are formulaic and uninspired, there's actually this and that incredible examples of somewhat recent monster collecting games" or "the last FF wasn't actually bad but if you want turn-based RPGs that'll remind you of your old favorite FFs then check Chained Echoes or whatever" or "don't look for something like Silent Hill 2 with Konami, instead I recommend these survival horror games".

So the idea of this thread is for people to recommend alternatives to franchises. Especially if they're standalone instead of other alternative franchises and especially if they're indie (since most of my enjoyment these last few years has been from indies like Roadwarden, Citizen Sleeper, Darkest Dungeon, Celeste, Slay the Spire, Tacoma, Hellblade).


Hey! I'm new to LibreOffice and I was wondering if this is possible. I have a big spreadsheet where each line refers to an object for which I actually have a corresponding .webp image, and it would really help me for visual reference if such a hover tooltip (or click tooltip) would be possible in LibreOffice. Does anyone know?

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