As a Dane I can approve. Looks great.
Mikrotik all the way. But prepare yourself for a nice steep learning curve, but now that om past that i sware by it. Super fast and infinity configurable. The entire router configuration can be exported as a txt file and imported in seconds so if it breaks just get a new one and load up your config and you are good to go. Also the forums are a gold mine of information. What i love the most is just how fast it is. Setting take effect instantly. Also means it is extremely fast to lock yourself out of not careful. Again, steep learning curve but really good after that.
Tbh. While Ritalin is high on this list, the single most life improving thing was to get my shit together and finally go talk to my doctor about it and get help from a psychiatrist. I begged my doctor to not just send me home and leave it up to myself to call the psychiatrist and I begged for her to force me to call back and verify I booked a time. My ADHD gives me anxiety if I break a promise so that finally did it for me by promesing to my doctor that I'll call back when I got the help. I safeguarded the hell out of the situation also with my girlfriend because I was so desperate for help and just could not get myself to do it alone. As I got started it got easier to keep going realy quickly because I got motivated, but oh boy was the beginning it all the hardest part of everything.
Product idea: "water cooled micro SD card reader"
I hate this law because its so damn loud. Its so often i find EV's louder then ICE cars in parking lots and its usually and obnoxious chime sound that travels much further than the little rubble coming from an engine. I wish they'd change this law to something more restrictive so the sounds are not as loud and also less obnoxious so it cannot be heard from more than 30f away. I suggest simple white noise at som low 40 dB or something like that.
Årstiderne. Bestiller en kasse ca en gang om ugen og der koster ikke ekstra forsendelse at købe flere købmandsvarer med. Det er dog ikke billigt (35 kr for 200g) men jeg har ikke noget at sammenligne med da jeg ikke har prøvet det før.
Skal prøve at stege tempeh for første gang til aftensmaden i aften . Vil prøve at bruge det i en salat. Håber det bliver godt
Det er det mest forheksede jeg har set
You just described my situation almost exactly. Huge life changer for me to get medication. My mood is so much better and my confidence in myself at work is better than ever. I can finally trust myself and my skills and push complex projects like never before because the depressive anxiety and constant stream og garbage noisy adhd thoughts isn't holding me back anymore. I track my mood on an app every single day from 0-6 and you can se on the graph exact what day i started the medication because it went from the average hovering around 3 to now hovering around 5 which is just such a good feeling. Best of luck to you and I'm happy to hear you found help as well.
Edit, the app i use to track my mood is called daylio and works pretty good. Giving me good insight on my own mental health.
It can manifest itself in the same way for men but it is usually then never discovered untill maybe much late in life when you have someone with depression and anxiety coming to the doctor's who may also miss the fact that it could be ADHD
All this feeding and preparing many hours before didn't really fit with my ADHD and I had initially no experience with bread making so I developed this method (after many failed attempts) instead to get nice consistent results since I was so sad I could never get good results. Now after I have made many successful breads and have a much better understanding of the principles I might take it up again and try a rye bread starter. But this recipe is foolproof for anyone to have succes so its a really good starting point while still being so good its better than most rye bread I've ever eaten.
Er der en feature request på Lemmy for at kunne whiteliste robot brugere istedet for kun at kunne blackliste dem en ad gangen som det er nu? Ellers skulle vi måske oprette en feature request?