Great ideas. I'd assume there to be sand under the tiles. Probably good for wild flowers that thrive on poor soil.
Greta thank you for mentioning that community. I do actually also get a roof trace of similar size (bit smaller) on the house that I still don't know what to do with so I'll go ask there probably
This is a great idea. I didn't think about those at all. It'll allow the soil to be more stable in winter when it's wet and rainy.
Det synes jeg er en fin ide. Det er godt for begge parter at få dokumenteret hvad der sker så der ikke kan opstå nogen form for tvivl i enhver sag.
Det er netop det som forvirrer mig. Går det virkelig kun en vej? Så jeg kan finde min bruger, men jeg kan ikke logge ind?
Hvad med mange andre offentlige instanser? Politiet, DMI, beredskabet, etc. Det kunne køre deres egen officielle instans så folk ved at det er pålidelig information når det kommer derfra. (Jeg ved ikke meget om mastodon, men antager at det virker lidt ligesom lemmy hvor man kører sin egen instans? )
Tag samme mængde soja og lav sojamælk. Lav det efterfølgende til "ost"... Du har nu lavet tofu.
Possible: yes
Recommend: absolutely not
Isn't this a TV series on netflix... Oh yeah The Handmaid's Tale...
My best advice is to NOT think of it as addons. If you want grafana or node red for example, just install them in seperate in a container not considering anything else about HA. Then just use them normally. You can still use the integrations for grafana and node red. Integrations work perfectly fine on HA in a Docker container.
Remember, very important: INTEGRATIONS ARE NOT ADDONS they are two very different things.
Great question. The garden is facing directly south so gets lots of sun (northern hemisphere) the only shade comes from the hedge