Alfred Hitchcock explaining the difference between surprise and suspense (in Minecraft).
Guys, gals and enby pals will look at this and go "Hell yeah!"
You metaphor is foolish and you should keep you scat fetish to yourself.
You are a German in 1932, casting a ballot for Hindenburg while smugly thinking "I just saved the Weimar Republic!"
"These heroes in Russia who have immortalized their cause, our cause, who have paid in overflowing measure in blood and tears and agony unspeakable, the price of their fidelity and devotion to the oppressed and exploited toilers not only of their own land but of the whole world, now appeal to us for the food that shall save them from perishing as hostages to starva- tion, and shall we now fail to return in small party what we owe them for what they have suffered in the awful years of the revolution to break the fetters of labor everywhere and set humanity free from the curse of the ages?" -- some tankie I guess
"I have no reading comprehension skills" isn't the own you think it is.
For the purpose of the satire, they left out the whole point of the books, which is something you'd know if your knowledge of LotR wasn't based entirely on cultural osmosis.
Over 200,000 Palestinians haven't survived the past year and you don't care. Never trust a narcissist to have anyone else's interest at heart.
You support genocide. You're a geek without a soul.
Trump was best buddies with Jeffery Epstein andremovedd a 13-year-old girl at Epstein's New York apartment -- Trump being into kinky sex with consenting adults would be a significant improvement.
Awesome! I haven't made the switch to Linux yet, but DXVK has more often than not given me some performance boosts in more demanding games on Windows.