
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

Every day? I dont think I have read that post at all. (This is both a joke and not a joke, as I had not read it, I did now and I was amused, so thanks).

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Machine learning.

E: Turns out the DEI guy might have been right btw. if by generative AI they mean a LLM.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I wonder if he got standard ML and LLM confused. (I did hear there was some usage of LLM/ML to help with some documentation stuff I think on a riskybusiness podcast, but I would have to relisten for the details. It could also just have been promotional stuff, while they are not actually using it).

Poor DeiSteve, it always sucks when you have a decades old username which suddenly takes up political meaning.

"created: 51 days ago"

Oh no.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

No I assumed the first starship was just a test to see if the landing there would work (that was Musks new plan), and he would send the first loads of [whatever (but not people)] 2 years after that first step worked/didn't work but they fixed the issues. The actual people come 2 years after that in 4 shuttles. (According to Musks latest ramblings I heard, and yes he loves exponential functions (I'll edit in a source if I can find it, but not sure if I will, he talks a lot about a lot of different things, and finding anything about him is hard, so I'm going to have to retrace my steps. Here, he also references reusable rockets, which seems to me like one of those thing which will not be useful re mars for a long long time. Unless we start mining helium on the moon (I'm kidding I saw your earlier post on that). And I think messed up a bit, as he doesn't talk about the ??? step here, so my mind either made that up, or he mentioned that in the past, sorry about that)).

~~My problem is with the whole plan of sending the first rocket there to test if the landing works in 2 years. Which seems like a total waste and a bit useless, and the crazy timeframes after that, the year to fix any problems which come up in the landing before he starts sending cargo. (which is also already strange, I don't think he has really gotten plans what to send, so his six year plan is : test landing, send ???, send people. All while up-scaling the building of more ships). I'd expect him to actually have a plan for the ??? part, and not have the weird rushed timeframes.~~

~~I hope that all this is just because the people at SpaceX just keep him very far away from any real decisions and just distract him with dances and jumping around when he finally is there. Because this sending of an empty rocket first can't be the plan.~~ Seems, I misread his post, as my source doesn't back up my statements, sorry about that. (so it is even dumber, but in different ways than I mentioned).

E: I also wonder if we are even capable of hitting the same place twice on mars, I'm sure it is possible technically, not sure if we can do that yet. How close did the other mars projects hit their targets?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

.mobi? They became the admins of the file format? And they paid for it? Good luck with that. ;)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

your loved ones on the outside may deliver some food to you no sooner than nine months after you ask for it.

And this is optimistic, assuming you start asking when the launch window is correct, and there is a rocket available. (stuff like this is why seeing Musk talk about his plans is so funny, he wants to send 1 ship the next launch window to test the rocket landing on mars and then 2 the next, etc etc. But all this assumes nothing goes wrong, because if anything goes wrong there now is about a year to analyze what went wrong, test the fixes, add it to the rockets, etc (and even if something goes wrong/right, how would you know? There are no camera people on mars, nobody who can notice the issue and aim the camera a that, if you want something like that, you will need to deploy that first (and, then we are back to the first issue, this can fail) Can't believe we are doing move fast and break things for space travel while ignoring the climate change issue. (ow wait, that is the breaking things, ffuuuu).

And most of the issues here are just planning/analysis problems, I have not even talked about the actual engineering issues (which might not even be solvable, the difference between science fiction and engineering is that the later at least knows there are limits). And the financial issues, Musk pockets, while deep (and mostly on paper) are not unlimited, and he already has had to ask other billionaires for help. Sometimes with bad results.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Somebody played cookie clicker.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

From the reactions:

“With enough garbage the model will become sentient”

"I mean thats how humans are raised tho"


(There is a tendency among promtfondlers to, in their attempt to hype up their objects of affection, diminish humans and humanity).

As my little 2 year old said, after listening to a white noise generator for days. "Holy shit, I think therefore I am!"

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It looks like a media prop making a soft parody of buzzword laced sites that don't actually say anything. 'we provide business solutions and services' lol

And of course, due to my browser being slightly locked down (or the whole site being broken) the whole 'check it out' button does nothing.

The animated button that looks like it might direct you to a chat option (but actually just scrolls you back up to the start of the page for some unknown reason) is also great. (This is isn't really their fault btw, it is that wordpress themes one)

Hello world!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

'This tool can do X at a superhuman level' is often quite an embarrassing thing to believe. (in before somebody says computers can do calculations at superhuman levels). Saying your tool can do that is also pretty cringe.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

With the private jet and all.

A story I heard, one of the problems with private jets (and private jet trackers) is that often private jets cannot be stored at normal airports. So after delivering the rich people to the airport it needs to take off again, and go to a smaller airport to stay there. This drives up the environmental costs to insane levels (now each trip is 3 takeoffs), but this also causes weirdness with the people tracking the planes of celebs, as they now overinflate the actual flights they are in, which annoys weird pedants (like me). I wonder if the celebs taking these flights are even aware of it. Anyway, remember this if you hear a story of 'celeb X took their private plane to skip traffic' stories, there is a chance they were not actually in this plane. (So put down those surface to air launchers you lunatics).

Not that the usage of private planes isn't insane and should be banned/heavily regulated.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

It is still real to me damnit!

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