
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Just waiting and hoping to all that's possible that the resistance strikes back in full and equal form soon (if they deem it best). timmy-pray If the Arabs cannot have the fruits of their land (oil) and labor, then the settlers and the entire west should freeze...

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Agreed, when and if the empire falls- particularly depending on the circumstances- I would argue that the entire world, and whatever regimes come next for the west, should see to it that all the various mini-Goebbels (and not-so-mini-Goebbels) are hunted down, rounded up, and tried and hung at Nuremburg. They have the deaths of tens of thousands, sometimes even many millions, on their hands- there can be no forgiveness, and certainly they cannot be left alone, they must answer to their crimes.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Agreed, Iran doesn't have a choice- much like Russia, also. And sooner or later (by the US' own talking heads' words, likely sooner) they will force the war they want with China also.

The rest of the world doesn't have a choice, arguably (accurately IMO) they never did, but now it is more evident than ever before. I can only hope they meet every escalation from here on out with equal and greater force, and end the threat of the imperialists decisively when and if the time comes no matter what is required- even as someone living in the cores, IMO it has to happen or humanity is doomed, likely to extinction but also to many things far worse than it, such that when it comes it may well be a mercy.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

He wasn't hateful enough, maybe amerikkka

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 weeks ago

I know the spirit once existed (Bandung conference, etc).... and then tragically was lost across most of the world and even amongst many AES, as imperialism started moving to more covert means in most parts of the world. I guess my hope is that it returns, and with a vengeance that will never be forgotten (honestly, if humanity forgets again- we're doomed, our species' short generational memories will have doomed us).

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Couldn't agree more.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

On the one hand I get they want to make the zionists look strong, but on the other wouldn't it lend itself to greater urgency and frothing rage if they met the Iranian narrative half-way

I think the answer is simple. Isntreal is a settler-state, and it is a settler-state which has not succeeded in eradicating the indigenous peoples to such an extent that they are the minority (when one considers the surrounding Arab and Muslim-majority states actually, rather the opposite).

They have to maintain the image of the "untouchable ubermensch." Psychologically they have to, but also strategically; all they offer the local peoples is terrorism and genocide, so they must ensure that all the local peoples (who number more than them) fear them more than they hate them. This is also exactly the same as how colonial forces across the globe acted- with the promise of extreme and inordinate terrorism- to maintain their rule, and to create the circumstances where they could establish rule to begin with.

The other older settler-states have similar dynamics, but have had more time and space (through the successful and extensive genocides and conquests they engaged in- ie. through their successful lebensraum/Manifest Destiny) to settle into a more "lax" phase of settler-colonialism, where the genocides take a quieter, more low-key form of suppression. They all had the same foundational psychology however, and will all generally act in the same way Isntreal has if provoked. And of course, the examples of all the failed settler-states (Nazi Germany, French Algeria, "Rhodesia," British Kenya, Apartheid South Africa, etc. and even the resurgent indigenism within parts of Latin America) show what happens if the settlers cannot succeed in genociding off the vast majority of the indigenous peoples of an entire geographic region.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Honestly hope we see these sorts of talking points across the global south in my lifetime. Everything the west has is projection, but the world would be infinitely better off if the global majority truly joined arms to defend actual freedom and the democracy and sovereignty of nations, from its greatest enemies (the imperialists)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I can't say I'd support it (b/c reasons) but it would certainly be entirely self-inflicted, if and when the rest of the world actually started targeting civilians when the shoe is on the other foot.

The cracKKKerverse can only wage demographic war on the rest of humanity for so long before things reach a certain point, after all, can't it?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Seeing Mexicans, Brazilians, and (presumably) Jordanians claiming this- I'm not surprised, as the US basically owns (or influences to such an extent it effectively owns) much of the mainstream "local" media around the world.

How is the mainstream sentiment, though? I know that much of Latin America deals with... considerable amounts of cracKKKerism/comprador-ism, but most countries are not generally as cursed as the imperial cores all the same. Hopefully this is severely weakening these media sources and the western influence on public opinion?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago


Feels good having these around now... go ahead, eat up, you deserve it

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