A moderator with no sense of humor probably just stubbed his toe before reading it.
Every single part of this comment just screams "It just wouldn't be proper!"
And I'm sorry, but I can't seem to care about what's "proper" when half my friends now have reasonable fear for their lives, not just "comfort of living" just because they are lgbtq+ living in deep red country.
I tried explaining tariffs to my in-laws.
They genuinely think that other countries will be paying the extra cost for the privilege of trading with the USA.
Completely refuse to believe they have to pay the extra cost out of their own pocket or the company will sell elsewhere.
Edit to add, these in-law's also think China is still mostly like their media-based perception of feudal Japan. As in "they only have two modern cities, Beijing and Tokyo" type of "knowledge" of China.
I really need to get a sup for my ar9, but I just can't seem to bring myself to ask the government for permission to pay them a bunch of money for a thing I'm already paying a bunch of money for...
Okay here's the plan.
I gonna slam the door open, run straight in, and attack with the most basic of attacks I can think of.
It's foolproof.
I've always wondered what it's like.
Turns out, (according to the US government) I was experiencing it all along.
I used to hate when this happened to me. Someone reviving a post from ages ago to answer a question that I already found months/years ago.
But hey, it could help someone else in the future if I didn't go back and post the answer to my own question (spoiler alert: I didn't) so now I just do what OP does and thank them for their time, move on with my day. Chuckle at the stupidity of my youth.
Some people get angry about things like that. Just be chill, they probably didn't notice how long ago it was posted.
/uj You know, I've known someone who plays violin for decades, I've helped her practice, attended concerts, she even tried to teach me a few things on it here and there...
I have never seen that piece.
/j Always acquire/make a suppressor, it's not just about your own hearing, it's about being a good quiet neighbor. Really you're just doing everyone else a public service.
My family usually get an "okay I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later" and that's about it.
But by then they can tell I've had enough of people today and want to leave so they're never surprised.
And if anyone wants to think I left because they arrived, so be it. I am not the shepherd of my family's emotions.
I can't just leave without saying anything though. Not unless they pissed me off.
I've got a pretty nice system.
B- Go
You may notice there's no conversation before the final step. This is because my anxiety doesn't allow me much talking until I can decompress.
It's worked so far.
"It was great seeing you again"
"but... You just got here five minutes ago"
"SO great..."
"..... Did I leave the stove on?"