Ja, både afstanden mellem jorden og Venus, og vinklen mellem linjen fra jorden til Venus og linjen fra Venus til solen spiller en rolle.
Når Venus er tættest på jorden, så er vinklen jeg beskrev ovenover 180 grader, og det betyder at solen skinner på den anden side af Venus end den vi kan se. Når solen ikke skinner på den side der vender mod os, så er der så godt som ingen lys fra Venus der kommer hertil.
Når hele dagsiden af Venus peger mod Jorden, så er vinklen 0 grader - men det betyder også at Venus er på den anden side af solen, og så medfører afstanden at vi ikke får ret meget lys hertil.
Well, the taxes we have here in Denmark are quite high. We either have the fourth highest rate of tax compared to GDP or the highest, depending on which source you go by. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_tax_revenue_to_GDP_ratio
The thing is just that taxes means that the money gets spent directly on improving the lives of the people who live here, instead of people having to buy stuff like health care through companies that skim off the top, and who uses the money you pay them to employ people who try to find ways to not help you.
Taxes helps ensure that everything runs efficiently. A healthier population who are more productive, infrastructure that prevents disruptions to business and daily lives alike, and ensuring that people don't have to resort to crime if they lose their job or get ill. Crime is another source of inefficiency that gets significantly reduced.
Everything helps ensure that the average person is in a much better state of mind, and mood is contagious - even those who pay the most benefit off of it, and pretty much everyone here agrees that it's money well spent.
In Danish politics, even the right wing would be considered leftists in the US - we have a lot of political parties (16 in parliament, with 4 of them being from the Faeroe Islands or Greenland).