They lost in 2024 because they couldn't address the economy and kept sending billions to Israel as it was committing a very public genocide lol, not because they stood up for people.
I shouldn't have to arm myself with a deadly weapon to avoid being raped, and doing so significantly increases my chances of being killed.
Why don't you go advise men not to rape instead of telling women how not to get raped? Statistically, some of your male friends and family are rapists or will be.
Also killing people -especially up close like that- is really traumatic no matter how much of a tough guy persona you put on. As someone who has PTSD from sexual violence, I would not press a button that would go back in time and let me shoot my attacker while he was on top of me as he started to escalate, entirely removed from the inherent value of human life argument.
I cannot stress enough how incredibly performatively callous and how out of touch with the experiences of women and the reality of killing this meme is. Get a fucking grip.
Cowbee already answered your question but I'd like to point out that as a German you really need to be careful about what propaganda you believe about the Soviet Union and Stalin. Keep in mind that Germans killed 26 million soviet citizens less than a hundred years ago.
Oh look holocaust trivialization
No country is an angel though, at the same time Britain was intentionally starving Indians and the US had Japanese American citizens (including children) in concentration camps
I dont know when but within the context of conversations it was before they left China
I've talked to Chinese foreign exchange students who learned about it in school
How has China been picking up the slack? Who have they couped or invaded? Who have they sanctioned?
Hey, just so you know for when you make decisions in the future, calling socialist states fascists is rooted in double genocide theory.
This Wikipedia article has a good list of sources about double genocide theory and how it serves to trivialize and obscure the holocaust:
I love it when people call a transitional economy state capitalist because it betrays a lack of understanding of actually existing capitalism and the role the state plays in it.
Note the lack of citation.
Also yeah Yeltsin was a real hero, just don't ask what he did after he bombarded parliament, and don't ask why the US had to interfere in former USSR elections including the 1996 Russian election to make sure that nationalists and not communists won.
You mean like the ethnically and religiously diverse muslim delegations from around the world that investigated the claims of uyghur genocide and declared them unfounded?
Here is an article trying to spin it from voice of america, a state funded US media outlet:
I think the claims of genocide in Tibet are kinda goofy, given the US is trying to prop up some child-tongue-sucking theocratic feudalists to install as their regime.