
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, it’s a weird situation. Any idea where I can find these patches or what terms I soils search for to find them myself?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah, seems like a rather basic feature.

I can adjust to some variation in scroll speed. But in some applications it's just too fast to be usable. I ended up changing my scroll speed settings in firefox to already have that covered.

about:config that I use now:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Yeah, seems like it. I was hoping I could configure the touchpad via xinput or libinput. But I didn't find anything yet that works for this laptop.


I recently bought an asus zenbook 14 (AMD version) and the scroll speed of the touch pad is quite fast.

Does anybody know how to change this?

I'm using Nixos 24.05, Gnome/Wayland

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Do you mean 'pores instead of gills' ? I think all mushrooms produce spores, no?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Joseph Joestar?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I learned to put both my palms around the lid, fingers crossing over my hands and then press hard inwards. This will pop the lid and then you can easily twist it open.

Useful if you don't have any utensil nearby

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What does this mean in practice? You don't get a post-caffeine crash if you take it together with L-theanine?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There is truth in that.

I actually like the things I do for work though. Or at least I like doing those things by myself for fun.

After having worked in the field for a few years, I noticed my enjoyment seems to have disappeared. Perhaps it’s the hours, or perhaps it’s the way that business can make anything boring. But I just didn’t like doing these things anymore.

And if I don’t like the things I really enjoyed in the past, then it feels like I will surely not like those things i disliked in the past.

I will still try though. But not easy to experiment with new things when you feel like you’re in survival mode all the time.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

It does seem to help. I recently made a commitment to avoid digital media on my own.

I don’t think games or reddit or browsing is necessarily that bad in limited amounts. But it becomes too easy to start spending all your time on it because everything else feels too much effort and less fun.

I still allow myself any form of digital entertainment, but only when I do something together with friends. That way I still have some social contact, and I’ll have to do the effort to meet up if I want to do something fun.

When I’m by myself I’ll usually limit myself to reading, writing, going for walks, etc

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

Wow, that would be annoying. Currently I’m basically living in a studio, so would be difficult to avoid a specific spot in the home.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I have considered changing professions in the past, but i don’t think I could do a switch at this moment.

I don’t think i could easily find a job in a different field and I’m a bit worried that I would get lost and lose energy, even in seemingly simple jobs.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (9 children)

Not in one field specifically. But I have the most experience in software engineering, functional analysis, and tutoring (university-level)


I feel so tired after half a day of work, never mind working a full day. After a couple of weeks of this, when i get home, i have no energy left for anything. Even things I usually enjoy.

Everything feels like a drag at that point and I can’t seem to do anything to improve this.

Doing this for a few more months usually ends up with me having to quit my job or i will get so tired and sick I can’t do anything anymore.

How to deal with this?


I recently moved to a new city and don’t know anybody here yet.

I want to try out some things and meet new people and avoid sitting at home all day (but sometimes is ok)

My ideas are hiking, volunteering and reading. What would you recommend? Any good ideas?


This is the reply:

As a model running through DuckDuckGo's privacy layer, I can provide you with accurate information about their privacy features.

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that prioritizes user privacy. They have a strong commitment to protecting user data and have implemented various measures to ensure anonymity. Here are some key aspects of their privacy features:

  • No tracking: DuckDuckGo does not track users' searches, browsing history, or any other personal information.
  • No personal data collection: They do not collect or store any personal data, including IP addresses, user agents, or other identifiable information.
  • Encrypted searches: Searches are encrypted, which means that even your ISP or network administrators cannot see what you're searching for.
  • No targeted ads: DuckDuckGo does not display targeted ads, which reduces the risk of data collection and profiling.

Regarding cases where DuckDuckGo's privacy was questioned, there have been a few instances:

  • 2011: DuckDuckGo was criticized for using Amazon Associates, which could potentially track user behavior. However, they quickly addressed the issue and removed the affiliate program.
  • 2019: A security researcher discovered a bug in DuckDuckGo's browser extension that could potentially leak user data. The issue was promptly fixed, and an audit was conducted to ensure the security of their systems.
  • 2020: DuckDuckGo faced criticism for using Microsoft's Bing API, which some argued could compromise user privacy. However, DuckDuckGo clarified that they do not share user data with Microsoft and that their partnership is limited to search results.

It's essential to note that DuckDuckGo has consistently demonstrated a commitment to user privacy and has taken steps to address any concerns or issues that have arisen. They are transparent about their practices and have implemented robust measures to protect user data.

If you have any more questions or concerns about DuckDuckGo's privacy features, feel free to ask!

Is anybody using duckduckgo over searx or other search engines? What is your experience?


Occasionally I have these days where I don't feel like doing work or chores. So I'm thinking, why not just enjoy myself, do something that interests me?

But then I don't find any motivation to do anything really. Not even the things I normally enjoy very much.

Typically I would then waste time browsing or watching videos, but that seems to make it worse. How to snap out of this?


Hi all

I've been working as a software developer for the past few years and frequently decided to leave a company/project myself because I could not find the motivation to keep working for it.

First, I was questioning whether software development was really for me. But in my spare time, I still enjoyed writing small useful tools, configuring my linux desktop and self-hosting.

I recently realised that my demotivation is mostly due to the kind of software I was working on for the companies I worked for. Usually building APIs to facilitate sales/marketing for products I don't really care for. Or configuring some unnecessarily complicated ERP/CRM microsoft stack.

Instead, I would like to work on software that I use myself. Or at least on something that will useful for other people in the future, not just boost the sales of some company.

But I'm not sure where to look. It seems like jobs focusing on free/libre software are difficult to find (Or I don't know how to look) and the few I find seem to be looking for senior profiles much more experienced than me.

Anybody have some tips or places I can start looking? Honesly I would prefer to just contribute to some project for free, but I don't really have the option to do so at the moment.


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