
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's been a pet peeve of mine that autocorrect defaults "its" to "it's." Someone should change its programming.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

Once you set up this set of objects on the set, we'll be all set for the Set festival and the band can play its set.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

Logan was always killed by Eastasia.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

When I was a teenager, I felt like 40+ was so old that your life was pretty much over and not worth living, but I've done so much self-actualization since my mid-30s that I'm still unlocking many of the things I hadn't previously thought I could do, like find a job I actually love, create stuff I'm proud of and have gotten positive feedback on, getting recognized for my skills and interests, etc. It's unfortunate that it can take a while to get around to doing some worthwhile stuff, but it's better now than later, regardless of what age you are. Thinking there wasn't much more after 40 was just a limitation of perspective on my part.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (14 children)

35-40 You realize you've spent so much time trying to level up that you haven't done any of the fun quests and crafting you really wanted to do, so you start focusing on those.

40-45 You look around and realize you've somehow managed to accrue skills and experience and loot and feel cringingly compelled to give advice to other players who are newer to the game. "When I was your level..."

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 month ago

Honestly, this is just an indictment of the health care system in the Forgotten Realms. Mindflayers should control a powerful lord to mandate universal healthcare and improve the supply of potions and employ cleric healers throughout the realm.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

World President Crypto-GPT 19 issues emergency executive order 00101010101111010101010001010010110101010010010 to secure additional processors in the build up to the anticipated war with the invading Zerkanods who purge planets that elect AGI governments. Secretary of Human Affairs Clippy entertains the human populace with a scripted meme war on brain phone social media platforms against recently uplifted Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The problem with the golden rule is that different people want to be treated differently, so they may treat you how they want to be treated but not how you want to be treated, and vice versa.

Maybe when you're struggling with an issue, you want to be left alone to figure it out by yourself, but your friend in the same scenario would want someone to start doing anything to help out and insisting on troubleshooting the issue together. So your friend ends up frustrating you by offering to help too much when you just want to be left alone and then when they're struggling, they get upset that you leave them alone to deal with it.

So communication is important. Ask people how they'd like to be treated rather than just assuming they'd want to be treated the way you want to be treated and be honest with them about how you'd like to be treated.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 months ago

Flirtation is a lot easier and more comfortable when you know the person already likes you. And it can seem creepy to them if they don't already like you. So it might be good to not flirt until you're confident it will be well received and in the meantime just be friendly and sincere. An important aspect of potential relationships is not appearing as if you think someone's only value is if they're a potential partner. People talk to and know other people, so treating everyone well can improve chances of potential partners thinking well of you. Sometimes the best thing you can do to find a partner is to work on yourself.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (7 children)

There are a lot of hobbies you can get into that can be started with little or not cost, or with equipment/materials you already own.

Figure out what interests you and see what can be done inexpensively.

With a phone or computer, there's writing, music, programming, learning new skills, Wikipedia, Pinterest, et al. Maybe take your phone and start photographing stuff in your area that interests you.

Find someone who has experience in an area you're interested in. People tend to like to talk about their hobbies and interests and they can tell you how easy or difficult it is to get started. They might even be able to help you get started.

Maybe find a volunteer opportunity that helps pad your resume. Like animals? Volunteer at a local shelter.

There are a bunch of job certifications you can train for online that can also help build your resume.

[–] [email protected] 63 points 3 months ago

Nice try, HR.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago

I coordinate an academic makerspace at a college.


It has lots of stories from authors such as William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Neal Stephenson, Cory Doctorow, Charles Stross, and Philip K. Dick.


I have a game key for Witchy Life Story on Steam.

Message me rather than replying to the post. First come, first served.


languid-lemur asked on the Cyberpunk subreddit what the most cyberpunk thing is in your daily life.

This was my response:

Spending untold amounts of time on executive-function-attenuated addictions to dying corporate ad-driven profit machine engagement platforms that you reopen after momentarily forgetting that you just closed them when the dopamine rewards diminished while your life was happening in the background white noise without you noticing, like the soft hum of the air filters you've forgotten to service for another month. NFC smart watch payments on self-checkout machines for your greater convenience and the lessening need for inhuman interactions and paying fewer retail employees a poverty wage with no benefits, while the smart machine stupidly tells you to remember to take the receipt that you declined to print and tells you to have a nice day and sincerely thanks you for your purchase from the deepest abscesses of its silicon heart. Meanwhile at work you hesitate to deal with the security-obsessed IT administrators who want to lock it all down so the technology is not useable because that's how you prevent issues, deepfreezing 99% of the hard drive so it forgets to remember your files when it reboots over night after an update and a network crash they wait a few hours to tell you about. But at least the black-topped corn starch 3D printed glow-in-the-dark mechanical keyboard caps are turning out decently and the supply chain shortage price-gouged microcomputer hardware you've been waiting for finally arrives via webcam monitored independent contractors so their boss can cowboy up to the mesosphere one more time instead of solving world hunger. So I got that going for me, which is nice.


The Big Book of Cyberpunk is coming out Sep 26, 2023.

One of my short stories is getting republished in it, titled Keep Portland Wired.

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