Oh wow, that's awesome! Thank you so much
Oh shit, I didn't know Solid Edge existed. I thought fusion was the only free commercial 3D cad software. Thanks for the heads up, I'll check it out.
Edit: Just had a look at Alibre Atom3D, I think I'll give that a try too, the price is reasonable to own forever.
I have 2 therapists and was going to a lot of sex parties, still wanted an SO.
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Let's not fool ourselves, adverts were always there and intrusive, remember those hotbars that your parents would have 100 of installed somehow? Sure things are worse, but they were never perfect.
Sushi glory hole, imagine that..
Any specific brand recommendations? Asking for a friend of course.
Lol, fair enough.
I read my first book in 11 years, I finished it 2 weeks ago. It's The Expanse. I loved the series and someone gifted me the first book.
My trick? I commute by train and have my book with me everywhere I go. If there's waiting to be done, there's reading time.
Is Mastadon different?
But they don't make them anymore :(
Fuck whoever cropped this wrong, it's making me look like I don't know how to meme in front of my friends.