
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Ahhh yeah I meant theming. My bad. And that would be easier ofc.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Ignoring the original post, I wanted to pick up on what you said right at the end.

Something I've never understood is, what impact is using iced going to have on app compatiblity? Are we going to need compatibility layers for GTK and QT, like with Cinnamon displaying QT apps, with the associated jankiness?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Check for a ~/.config/chromium folder and delete it. dnf doesn't seem to have an equivalent to apt purge chromium which would be the other thing to do (while the package is installed).

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yeah, most dead scripts have Unicode, specifically because how the hell would you write academic papers about them in this day and age otherwise? Even old Irish Ogham:


The line is a convention, because ogham was originally written on the corner of a stone stela.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

For anyone else who was wondering, it's major releases only, and so far it's been:

  • The Luggage
  • Twoflower
  • Rincewind
  • Weatherwax
  • Vetinari

Not sure Havelock would look kindly at being left til 5th, but you can't please everyone.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Would you be willing to elaborate a little bit as to what the roadblocks are with Sublinks right now? Just curious, and the feature set/current status is not super obvious in their github.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I'm getting that with Gmail and 2 google sheets open (just as an example workload), my system says Zen uses 899 MB of memory, while Firefox uses 1261 MB. However, the way they split tasks into different processes (or at least the way my system monitor groups them) seems to be different, so I'm not sure how much of that difference is real.

Looking at the browsers task manager, they report about the same amount of memory by the browser itself, and for tab handling FF seems to grab more memory when opened, then decrease over time, whereas Zen seems to have a more consistent memory consumption. Sheets tabs use equivalent memory in both, and Gmail uses about 20% more memory in Zen. Both use an insignificant amount of CPU, of course.

Zen does feel more responsive, but it's not a dealbreaker. Good to know the customizations aren't causing catastrophic resource usage though.

Edit: My only other thing I find wierd is that its kinda hard to close tabs. You have to use the right-click menu -- even using the 'c' keyboard shortcut only selects it, and hitting it again moves to another option!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Hmmm this feels like Vivaldi built on Firefox. I like the tiling for tabs! Overall pretty good, would like to see the tab tiling separators smaller, but that's a small gripe. Looking forward to see where this goes!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I just use Zettlr (a markdown editor optimized for writing research papers). I wish it wasn't an electron app, as it's paggy as hell sometimes on Linux, but it's the best balance I've found between features, ease of use, and stability.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I've used Xournal++ and Write, both worked pretty well. Saber also looks promising.

It's going to come down to how the program handles smoothing of the pen input, which is going to differ based on how noisy your tablets data is, and on your handwriting.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Well we wouldn't want Proton, it would be 2000x less lightweight than electron! /s

It seems to me that Tauri is maybe a better direction to invest resources in than a direct electron-but-Firefox. Its lighter weight and better sandboxed, and can presumably be configured to run with a Gecko engine instead of a chromium-based webview. I have no idea its status, but geckoview does seem to exist.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Does anyone know why the only public transport option is "subway"? I don't get why they would only index subways.


To deal with all this Intel CPU disaster, I've been having to manually check MSI's website for mobo updates. It occurred to me that keeping BIOSes and other drivers that aren't delivered through your OS's update manager of choice is such a pain, and it's common knowledge that a lot of critical BIOS updates just don't get applied to systems because folks don't check for updates unless there's a problem.

Thinking about that, I realized that it would make life a lot easier if you could just have section in your RSS reader for firmware updates, and each mobo manufacturer published BIOS update announcements as an RSS feed. All your updates are in one place, and you're notified promptly! Of course, this would also apply to NVIDIA drivers, so you can get automatic updates on Windows without having to download Geforce NOW bloatware, but of course that's very intentional on NVIDIA's part.

Does anyone know of other easy ways to passively keep track of BIOS updates?


OK, y'all. I'm trying to find a book I read many moons ago. I feel like it was by Diana Wynne Jones, but it's not in her bibliography. Massive spoilers incoming, obviously, but I can't remember what the spoilers are for.

The book starts on an island nation in the south of the world, with a rigid code of conduct which one of the main characters is being disciplined for breaking. The main characters leave on a quest to the oppressive and powerful kingdom in the north, and its revealed that one of the other main characters is the crown prince of the evil kingdom in the north, and can use their magic. If I recall correctly, his use of that magic makes dark veins stand out under his skin, and he has to fight against it controlling him. There's some kind of time limit, I think if he uses the magic too much, it'll take him over and he'll become the new ruler.

To gain some advantage over the evil kingdom, they visit an abandoned city, break into some kind of temple, and have an encounter with some kind of deity, which might then take over one of the characters?

Later in the story they make it to the evil palace, and there's a plotline about multiple children of the evil king trying to kill this guy, so they can inherit the throne. I think the evil palace is embedded in a mountain somehow.

Anyone who can set me on the right track, it'd be much appreciated!

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