Quake revolutionized fps games
Ape Escape was the first PS1 game to require the dual shock controller
Quake revolutionized fps games
Ape Escape was the first PS1 game to require the dual shock controller
Come up with a reasonable replacement product, and do it through an ethical company, and people might switch. But you're not gonna convince people to give up the convenience they've relied on for a decade without a really good reason, and "this company is evil" is way too esoteric for most people.
They thought they knew what it was made of, but took their assumptions for granite
Path of Exile; menus, plus two other screens of third party menus
I don't think I have the comeback in me this time
It's called dressage, madam, and it is horse DANCING
You beat meat to it
Does one peel an avocado? I've always used a knife to cut to the core all the way around and pull it apart, then scoop out the flesh.
But it's only 49 😿
This is a bit dependant on the people. The real trick is communicating and being on the same page, like everything in a relationship.
That may be what I was thinking of. I actually never played Quake, I just knew it was groundbreaking