Wrong person, that was someone else that said that
Strawman? False equivalence? This is a pretty bad argument.
First, I know this is the internet so everyone jumps to extremes. But can we please try to keep some level of nuance on the fediverse? And avoid personal attacks maybe??
I am an avid gamer, and have always wanted to believe violent video games don't affect players. But the vast majority of studies indicate either some level of being desensitized or increase in aggression.
So depicting violence isn't great, especially (or maybe primarily) for kids.
Seeing a lap dance isn't bad at all. But objectifying women and unequal representation is not great. Sex, OK. Sexism, not OK. Hopefully we can agree on that at least?
That's missing a key past of the argument, objectification. Do the game devs add women exclusively as eye candy or as interesting, complex characters? I haven't played GTA5 so I legit don't know.
Maybe her comment here was silly and misplaced, but I think the gaming community really has (had?) excessive misogyny. And it does tend to cater to men more than women. Look at any recent major AAA games, the top 50 best selling video games, top rated games of all time, etc. The overwhelming majority ether have a male protagonist or customizable character. Only a handful specifically have a female protagonist.
Most gamers aren't gross misogynists, but there are plenty of ways game devs could better represent women as equals.
OK but your "nuh uh" didn't address anything I added to the conversation.
Sex work good
Treating all women as just sex objects bad
In the video game, are all women just eye candy/sex appeal/sex workers?
Or do the game devs know that women have more to offer than sex and show that?
You're reducing the argument to one action, lap dances. But the argument is about the overall attitude towards women.