I'm not sure wether that logo is really as expensive as they claim, but there are tons of products out there with kind of selfmade logos or at least a little text which reads "vegan", "vegan friendly" or "suitable for a vegan diet". Of course the official logo is the safe one, but as it's still illegal to make misleading claims I guess one can trust 99% of those labels.
Imagine bringing home your date and they take off their jacket just to show off the chest warmer.
We were allowed pens, but the paper was a special color and not allowed to leave the room. Data privacy. But as bothersome as this was, as a customer I'd be delighted to know my privacy is taken so seriously.
And the "debate" around it goes something like: "It's now forbidden to eat Schnitzel!! Entirely!!1! We won't take this paternalism anymore!11!!!!!" As always, it's just a few people but they're soo loud. It's exhausting.
Also, sometimes you're not depressed, you're just dehydrated. And now drink a glass of liquid, everyone!
Alles gut, ersteres ist ja Lebendbrot und letzteres eines, das bereits geschlachtet wurde. Brote können, grade in freier Wildbahn, sehr alt werden. Traurig, dass die meisten vorzeitig für unsere Lebensmittelindustrie ihr Leben lassen müssen.
Es hilft dir im Moment zwar nicht weiter, aber wenn ich bei meinem Hausarzt an einem stinknormalen Mittwoch keinen Termin bekäme, würde ich sofort wechseln. Wofür hat man denn einen Hausarzt.
Rip in pies
12 mm are HUGE, I don't have those either. But that texture is so worth it, it's beautiful!
Imagine thinking a hobby needed to be useful.
Compliments to the chef! That's some real quality work.
Tree/bonsai might be Aston Martin and the blossoms Haas, as it kind of correspondences with the colors? Also Alpine to the mountains. Then I'd guess Williams for the lighter blue and RB for the darker one.