
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

Also also lobster and chicken wings.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

"All quotes must be attributed to Oscar the Grouch."

  • Oscar the Grouch
[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 hours ago

As I mentioned, I'd be inclined to wonder what you're considering "apologism." The fact that you didn't address the points I made makes me think you fall into that camp of boiling an intentionally wide array of ideas, conversation, etc down to "apologism" to take up arms against instances you don't like. I see discussion of those countries, and examples of things that are happening there, but not one time have I seen people celebrating violence or excusing it on either hexbear or .ml.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

I was sure to not be an absolutist for a reason, I'm not always cruising Lemmy. Hexbear in particular absolutely has a sense of humor sometimes that I myself am a bit old for, but judging them for that is very much more "Old man yelling at clouds" than anything. If you don't like it, sure, but that doesn't say A or B about them.

Maybe there's blatant apologism, but in my experience it's people taking whatever scraps they can find to claim "Apologism." For example, discussing high speed rail development in China. Admiring a rail system isn't "blatant apologism," but most lemmy liberals would call it as such, because it was built by China. It's like calling me a Putin apologist for discussing Dostoyevsky. Yes, I'm admiring a creation of the country or it's culture, but I'm not saying that their current governments are the only way forward or really saying anything about governance at all.

Again, I'm not claiming you haven't seen something "blatant" before (I could name so many one off events I've witnessed that don't hold to norms,) I'm just saying that people claiming it to be this widespread norm on every leftist instance are spreading disinformation.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 hours ago

Maybe you shouldn't have defended your point with a link using these talking points then if you didn't want them responded to.

Thanks for proving my point though about liberals just saying shit then going "SeEeEe??!?!" no matter the response.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (2 children)

It's interesting how the only criticism anybody can drum up is "tens of millions dead," but nobody bats an eye at the death toll of capitalism, capitalist countries, and their endless war machine/endless interference in other countries via funding coups or outright assassinations in support of harmful leaders who will play nice with the corporations.

Your link describes discussion of labor camps as if it's some long lost relic of a bygone era - but slavery of inmates is, right now, legal and prevalent in the US subsidizing private industries for pennies on the dollar. It references the conditions of the camps, but plenty of current US inmates face subhuman conditions and treatment. You imply that everybody suffered all the time under the Soviets, but a far from insignificant number (depending on how you do the numbers, with more support for the USSR than we have for our own government this past decade or so) remember the USSR fondly, or at least as better than their current governments.

All the things y'all constantly belt about to argue socialism is the great evil of the world is shit we do now that you support as long as it benefits private entities instead of public. I'm not going to argue that everything was perfect, or that nobody was corrupt, but I WILL argue that y'all spend a lot of time defending those same imperfections and corruptions under capitalism with this lazy weak ass "but fixing it would be spooky scary socialism" argument. Per the common reasons people call socialism a failure, so is capitalism. That's why leftists call for, as you call it, "prettied up" socialism - not to fool people, but because what we're doing now is FAILING EVERYBODY and tripling down on funneling even more of our economy to 1-3% of the population hasn't helped anything so it's time for something different and realistic change is gradual, not "seizing the means of production" overnight. Practically, we find a functional balance like the rest of the "first" world.

To co-opt my criticism of zionists defending genocide with the "1,200 dead" figure: If tens of millions dead under socialism makes you so mad, just wait til you hear about the hundreds of millions dead under capitalism.

((I don't know anything about how to do the thing notating an image so in the off chance it helps someone: Drake No/Yes Meme DrakeNo - tyranny.gov DrakeYes - tyranny.com ))

[–] [email protected] 10 points 20 hours ago (4 children)

In theory, the things the other replies said.

In practice, anything left of the average Lemmy.world liberal/democrat.

I don't Lemmy enough to say there are zero hexbear users who are pro China or pro wtfever people say, but I see almost none of the ridiculous shit the rest of Lemmy claim exclusively happens there. What I DO see is liberals (usually from lemmy.world if we're swinging at instances) talking ridiculous trollish shit to hexbear users than using the silly trollish responses they get in response to justify these "all hexbears want to give America to Xi Jinping" posts.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

"Women hate Tim Walz, thats why we have to spend a 30 minute segment figuring out how to be more like Tim Walz"

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I don't fully understand the field of course, but I appreciate this comment FWIW.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Anyone else remember Penn Jilette on Eric Andre?


[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Its like how in general (in the US) you dont have an expectation of privacy in public - You went to the mall, if someone is filming at the mall you might get caught in that.

You performed nude in this movie that was released to the public, you can't then get mad that people are looking at you nude. Are we going to start monitoring streaming services for people who start a movie then click immediately to 00:49:32 a few times a week then go arrest them too?


Everyone I know, even more "progressive" people, treat me like a damn alien for not prioritizing getting a new car since mine died over covid.

Why does nobody blink an eye at this habit people have of just..... Sitting in their car in the driveway? Its not on, there's no music, they aren't leaving - they're just sitting there for an hour or more. I see it fairly often, but if I mention it being odd people look at me like I'm dumb. Are we really THAT car centric now that it's this normalized to be like "fuck my living room, fuck my TV, fuck my couch, I just wanna sit in my car all day?"


Howdy All! I've been self hosting some services on a pi 4 for a year or two now and have been fiddling with new services lately. I realized I'm pushing 60% or so of RAM and maxing out the SWAP file while fiddling with things. I currently just set up a nightly reboot as a temporary solution but I'm thinking about picking up a mini PC of some sort to replace it with, and wanted to get input from the community (Read: people smarter than me haha.)

I'm happy to hear any preferences anyone would care to share on hardware. I know obviously more RAM is key, as far as I'm aware CPU isn't super important and any recent-ish box will probably have a fine enough processor in it, and of course I'll probably end up getting a bigger external drive to hook up to it but that's not a big deal.

Also, I'm currently running docker/portainer on an OMV core, just how I learned/got into self hosting. Should I take the opportunity to learn Kubernetes or some other big boy system? I've not done alot of reading into it but I know clusters are gaining steam these days even for self hosting, would that be valuable to learn more about as a hobbyist/enthusiast/whatever? I'm fairly competent and used to have some CompTIA certs but as such I know better than to unnecessarily complicate my life lol. It sounds cool but I don't see a use case in my personal usage.

Thank y'all for your time and knowledge!

I'm currently running: Baikal, Bookstack, Bitwarden, Duplicati, Filebrowser, freshrss , Linkwarden, Apache, Navidrome, nginx, portainer, rpi-monitor, searxng, stirlingpdf, syncthing, watchtower,

I'm considering: Nextcloud, Maybe a game server or two depending on the needs?, Whatever else seems interesting, I guess :P

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