Basically just further proof that car traffic doesn't scale well. It's just an incredibly space inefficient way to get around.
This just seems like more work for him!
You've basically just described golf's superior cousin: disc golf
Now that the internet (and particularly social media) has become weaponized as a very cost-effective tool for cyber-warfare, it's basically inevitable that the fragmentation will continue to happen.
It's a bit uncomfortable because it goes against the idealism of the early internet which I still cling to, but I just don't see any way that the current situation is sustainable.
Und wie Städte (wegen Flugtxis) fürs Leben zu laut sind, also wohnt man lieber außerhalb und pendelt mit dem Flugtaxi
It depends on the person, but some countries like Austria have points-based systems that will work for some people. It's how I'm getting a visa currently and I just needed a job offer.
Or you can go hard-mode and take the Svalbard route!
Interesting mix of kilometers and inches...
Sealand actually has actually been involved in some crazy shit during its history.
Particularly if you want to look at stuff per capita
I never knew the term YouTube Poop... maybe I was too busy with WoW or something
Escape Simulator definitely fits the bill.
It's great, but all about the discovery.
Ist auch in Englisch so. Immer häufiger werden Schauspielerinnen als 'Actors' statt 'Actresses' bezeichnet. Es macht einfach keinen Sinn zwichen den Geschlechtern zu unterscheiden.
Small towns built around a train station are absolutely lovely though