Ich bin mir bei ihm nicht sicher, ob er sowas wirklich ernst meint und in seiner kleinen, eigenen Welt lebt oder ob er schon an dem Punkt angekommen ist, an dem ihm alles egal ist und er nur noch aus Spaß in der Politik ist und Realsatire lebt.
ELI5 would be huge magnets. If there is something that melts everything humanity ever created and knows of, keep it away from everything. But it is a real problem, instability in the plasma leads to the need for better materials.
I think this might be my key takeaway. He is wiling to address exactly this problem and might continue in the future. Even if you don't benefit from it, it shows a clear path he is willing to take.
At that point it might do the exact opposite and induce trauma and rage
With a class name as vague as that you would have to add tons of information into the variable name.
Technically they did exactly that.
Besides that this was actually funny, I wish I could get my time back for filling out any official forms and documents. Could take a nice long vacation in that time...
Full stack for babies shudders
Opensuse ca. 18 to 16 years ago
Don't drop any acorns and cut all trees in the surrounding area
Oh, first console was a ps1 with the mod chip and the first pc a C64 and the first game was Barbarian - The Ultimate Warrior
Taking the bus and enjoying that 15 second buffer instead of skipping at every pothole
Uhhhm, why? I'm genuinely curious, all my printers failed mechanically