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[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You did 200k years. You need to do 200k years as seconds (the 6.311e12 they mentioned). Their math is right.

Not sure why you're acting like they claimed to invent the logarithm, either...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

You wouldn't have 13 feats at a time, though. It'd be one at a time and you just get to choose which one. Perhaps could be further limited by only allowing changing once per short or even long rest.

But yeah, it definitely starts stronger than it ends. I was thinking the main ways it could sorta be used is as a jack of all trades, because you could probably have proficiency in any given thing so long as there's no combat involved.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Would it be close enough to balanced if all the classes simply have their own level and xp? So you effectively can get the abilities of every class at level 1, which I don't think would be overpowered. You'd also be effectively penalized for staying too long in any class except your main one, cause you'd be earning XP for an alt class.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago

The cult of personality thing is the big part IMO. If it was just him being a piece of shit without any influence, then whatever. But he has a cult following that are influenced by him and his actions (plus Twitter seems now designed to push his thoughts). It's important that the vast majority of people understand that Musk is an idiot and a piece of shit. It needs to be lame and gross to like him.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

There's also that moment in No Man's Sky when you figure out what the story is implying. I'm being vague here to not spoil it for anyone. But it doesn't have a single point in time where you piece it together. There's a growing amount of evidence before the game outright tells you what's going on.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Casters often feel at a massive disadvantage for casual fights. For a boss fight, casters are often the strongest, since you'll blow all your spell slots. But for smaller fights, you want to preserve your spell slots and cantrips simply cannot keep up with martials. I mean, a single attack roll for a spell cantrip vs getting 2-3 attack roles that also do more damage total? Heck, my strongest martials can usually do at least double the damage of a spell caster's cantrips.

Though at the same time, when I can blow the spell slot, no martial can outdo the AoE damage of reliable ol' fireball or the likes. Just I can't justify using my spell slots on a small number of weak enemies.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Second playthrough, trying out dark urge and being evil. It's really hard, honestly. I've lost half of my beloved companions and slaughted some favourite NPCs. It feels really fucked up. Minthara better be worth it lol.

Despite the fact I tried to be a completionist in my first playthrough, I've still been discovering lots of things I missed. The biggest so far is that there was a massive amount of the creche to explore on the exterior. I missed that before and basically only went into the basement. I also last time missed that there were 2 mythrils, among many other smaller things.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

There's a lot of common patterns, but you have to understand how URLs work. You have to recognize which URL parameters are tracking ones or even just might be tracking. And that means you have to know how they work and that takes a moment.

In brief, URL parameters start after a ? in the URL and are formatted like key1=values&key2=value2. You can't usually remove all parameters because not all are tracking. To further complicate things, URLs can also have an anchor starting with a # character which will be after the URL parameters. You often don't want to remove that (though theoretically the anchor could in fact contain tracking details).

It's often trial and error to see which parameters you can remove. I do this a lot since I write a lot of technical documentation. Clean URLs make the documentation more compact and less likely to break. It's not just tracking stuff, but sometimes you need to remove temporal data that makes a page display data from a specific time when you want it to just default to the current time (etc).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

We absolutely could do things if society as a whole agreed to. Billionaires only exist because we let them exist. The only thing stopping us from taxing all money over a certain amount is us.

Unfortunately, I have little faith in our ability to convince people that we should massively step up our taxation. We can't even get billionaires to pay the percentage of income tax that they're theoretically supposed to pay. How are we supposed to convince enough people to go above and beyond?

A huge number of people somehow have the idea that billionaires deserve this money. Or that just because their wealth isn't cash means we can't take it away.

If they try to leave to another country, arrest them for tax evasion and seize every asset they have. Don't let them do any business in the country without paying their share. Get other countries to band together on this until there's nowhere for them to run except shitholes. Even if we can't stop them from being rich in Ireland (and on that note, we should punish tax havens with sanctions), we can stop them from using their wealth to affect other countries.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

Yeah, it's so weird that they're sooooo in love with Russia and China. They claim to be communist and/or socialist, but those countries aren't what I'd consider to be either of those things. They're just... regular ol' dictatorships full of human rights abuses. Why the hell would they want to support them?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Some of these I get, but I don't get the T9 thing. T9 was so bad! It took ages to type many words. Today's predictive keyboards are miles better.

Also, no software updates? Sure, every now and then there's a shitty update, but most updates are great. New features and especially bug fixes are amazing. Used to be that if something had a bug, you just had to deal with it. There's no guarantees it'll be fixed today, but many companies do fix their bugs at least eventually. The ability to iteratively develop is huge for software quality. These days, unless you're developing something that absolutely cannot fail (like a mars prober or radiation therapy machine), it's widely agreed upon that iterative design is superior to "waterfall" design of trying to plan it out all ahead of time. Part of why is so you can get feedback continuously instead of only after you've committed to months of tech debt.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

Doesn't apply to every climate, but Stardew also doesn't make you face the physical pain of air that hurts your face.

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