You’re not wrong
It’s in there in the section on “emoluments”. Problem is SCOTUS has already ruled “no foul, play on”
As an American, it’s a shame we’re giving up a position of leadership of the free world. I do think the world will be better off if other nations step in. We’re actually a pretty shitty country and it’s a fluke of history we didn’t take a turn to fascism a long time ago.
Wait until you see what the Order 66 incident does to him.
Writers have been sitting on the stupid headlines for months just waiting for the chance to use it.
Much rather they muzzle Doge. Better yet, it’s rabid just put it down.
Hispanics in Texas tend socially conservative. They’re also big fans of the “I’ve got mine” ladder pull. Texas is not going to turn purple any time soon.
“Give me a place to stand and a lever, and I can move the world” — Archimedes
World’s tiniest cello?
They really just announced that they are open for bidding.
I’d say get them arrested for trespassing except that most law enforcement leans maga.
Why not both?