There are plenty of groups which have primarily photos, you are free to join those if that is what you are after. This group is for discussions, if that is not what you are after feel free not to join.
I did that when I moved to Lemmy last year. The more recent account I just deleted was mostly comments "inciting violence" and encouraging people to move to Lemmy, so they are welcome to keep those.
I'm working on getting rid of Google, but it is linked into so many things it's going to take a lot of time to do it completely.
I've moved away from Chrome as a browser and Google as a search engine. I'm starting to disconnect other accounts I've logged into using Google as well.
I'm setting up new email accounts - I'm using my own domain name so I can move in future instead of feeling so tied to one provider.
At some point I need to look at Google drive/photos - I think there are a couple of things that synchronize through there still. The find my phone service is tied into Google. All my apps are downloaded from the Play store, and there are a few things tied into Google Wallet.
I can get rid of the main bits, but I think it's going to take years to get rid of it all.
Someone else posted that they wanted to fire Bezos off in a rocket never to return. I replied that it would be more appropriate to float him down the Amazon. My comment (and only mine) was banned for "inciting violence".
It is less important that our hobbies are something that we are "not obliged to do" than that we are actively engaged in them.
Many people spend their free time in activities of passive consumption - watching TV, shopping and doing packaged, purchased "activities". The only active component is searching for the next thing to consume.
An actively engaging hobby is very different, it involves growth and learning. Many hobbies can be engaged in either passively or actively - think of the difference between a photographer who goes out every weekend to take photos and improve their technique, compared to one who spends hours researching and purchasing equipment but rarely "finds" the time to actually take photos.
The real difference between them is the mindset, and that can be applied to things you are obliged to do as well. My hobbies tend to be extensions of things that are necessary - cooking, gardening, sewing. All can be approached as necessary chores, but an approach of active engagement turns them into hobbies. Even scrolling the internet can be turned into a hobby - although I'm not sure if moderating a group and trying to learn enough javascript to automate things will make me a better person or lead to madness at this point!
I guess my argument is that it is not doing things outside of what we are obliged to that is important, it is doing more than we are obliged to do. It does not matter whether that "more" is different things, or things we need to do done in a different way.
I'd mostly like to keep them to a few posts so the actual discussion posts won't get lost. At the moment the idea is people can post that sort of thing in the pinned introduction post, but I am thinking of something along the lines of themed picture posts in the future.