whats is short to you?
joined 1 week ago
yeah that was retarded
im sad, you were and still are a big positive influence in the vast majority of countries.
most are good suggestions. some made me smile a bit. :)
his foreign policy is dumb. tarifs are dumb. hes smart but in a dumb way. xD
only good thing is that there is less illegal immigration.
i dont think he has a handler. so you mean like hes a marionett? he has advisers, yes.
hes dumb enough all by himself. the donald needs no help. <3
i only have gmail, netflix and windows 10 to replace. gmail is easy but time consuming. on netflix is dragon ball daima 😭
microshaft windowns 10 is the hardest for me. most of my games arent from steam.
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let people do what they want!