Just picked up a PS5 finally. Price dropped and tax free. First thing I did was go to the library. They had a copy of RoboCop Rogue city available which is perfect for me.
I've already put a hold on the dead space remake
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Just picked up a PS5 finally. Price dropped and tax free. First thing I did was go to the library. They had a copy of RoboCop Rogue city available which is perfect for me.
I've already put a hold on the dead space remake
I'm still trying to finish 2016 Doom, but life has been literally Deck blocking me for the past few months, so it's been slow going.
If i finish that game in the next few weeks, I'm going to go back and give Doom Eternal another second chance again once more. I've given it a try a number of times, just like I gave 2016 Doom a try numerous times with no luck. However, this year Doom suddenly clicked for me, and I've been playing it every chance I get (which is not much or often), so I'm thinking that may translate into finding a bit of love for Doom Eternal, even though I know they are very different games with different approaches to game play.
If that doesn't work out, then I've got a few games that I've technically "started", but I haven't gotten very far in. So, if and when I decide to pick them up again, I'll either restart them because I'm not far along enough for it to make much difference OR I'll continue playing but it's so early in the game that it's basically the same as starting from the beginning.
One game I've just recently been dabbling with is a slightly older game called "Halls of Torment". Similarish in game play to one of my other favorites "Vampire Survivors", it seems like a lot of fun. I've also recently purchased the Resident Evil 4 remake and it's a nice dose of nostalgia even though I much prefer the wiimote controls of the Wii version that I first played it on.
I'm going to be honest, Hades II hasn't really clicked for me yet and I've given it lots of tries. The first game had me hooked almost instantly, so I was hoping to find that same connection with the sequel. So far, it's not happened. Having said that, I saw that there's a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game in a similar style as Hades, so I got that to play. So far I like the game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Splintered Fate, but I'm not far enough along in it to have a strong opinion.
And my trusty, reliable back-up plan if nothing else works out? Castlevania Dominus Collection. The Castlevania "Metroidvanias" are my favorites. I've played all of these DS games on the original hardware, but it's been so long since I played them, it will be like starting anew. Except in this case, there will be no question as to whether I will enjoy the game or not since I played them all before and loved them.
Re-re-replaying Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Resident Evil Village and Sniper Elite 4
The first has some really cool environments and storytelling. I heard it was "like a shooter" and so I put it to maximum difficulty right away. I have to say I am not a fan of having to empty several pistol magazines into the head of the first enemy I encounter and they... survive. When murder becomes a chore, it kinda takes the fun out of it. So I lowered the difficulty setting.
The second... is as bad as the one before it. Just put it to maximum difficulty and yolo your way trough all levels. Or don't, it doesn't matter. Enemies are insanely slow. You can always walk up to some nazi's, sip your tea, then remember you should find cover because one enemy just finished their tiktok doom scrolling and decides to aim their gun at you.
I'm working my way through Valheim. I started last year and then stopped shortly before fighting the second boss and never got around to picking it back up. Now I'm back at it and working through the third biome. I still have a long way to go and hope that I can continue to sink at least 100 more hours into it.
I also got Metro 2033 and Last Light on the Steam winter sale. I started Metro Exodus a few years ago and also stopped pretty early, so I'm hoping that this time I can stick with it through the whole series. I also got Grim Dawn and it doesn't play great on the Deck, but hopefully I'll be able to get used to it with a bit of effort.
Outside of those, Wildermyth and Brotato are my main chillout games and I'm pretty sure they'll also get 50-100 hours each this year.
Started my year off with a new computer and a portal speed run! Sub 27 mins with no quick saving was a solid start to the year.
Actually, playing portal on max graphics and getting 60fps was the real solid start 😅
Psychonauts 2. I picked it up for 80% off during the autumn Steam sale and just getting around to playing it.
I also picked up It Takes Two and have been playing that with my wife.
Continuing my replay of Red Dead Redemption 1, probably followed by 2. Probably going to finish my replay of Subnautica. Not sure what new games will slot in after that.
I played Alan Wake 2 last winter on my Steam Deck, fearing I would get spoilers before I build my PC. Now that I have built it, I will proceed with The Final Draft and the DLCs.
Im going deep into beyond all reason, warzone 2100 and speed dreams
Beyond All Reason is the kind of rts that makes you realize chasing after Starcraft style gameplay (when Total Annihilation presented a totally different and arguably more approachable experience with shift clicking and less obsessive micro) was a fatal error for the broad popularity of the rts genre.
A competitive rts hyper focused on apm and units that move in artificial and uninteresting ways (especially airplanes) was never going to inspire a new generation of rts fans with diverse interests and brain types to dip their toes in instead of leading to a narrower and more constrained vision of what rts games are and what kind of brain types can suceed at them.
BAR is both a living breathing cryptid (descended from the ancient TA itself) that somehow survived the great RTS extinction event and also paradoxically a vision of the future of RTS games.
Continuing Metaphor: ReFantazio. It's the most consistently polished game Atlus made (that I played) in years, though maybe SMT VV has a chance once I get to it. The only ones that come to mind are Persona 5/Royal (however much I prefer P3 and P4), and Etrian Odyssey V. Both of which had longer development times compared to their series, who knew?
My only complaint is that it doesn't have any 10/10 aspect that I'd love, most of my favourite games are somewhat flawed anyway, as long as they have that special aspect that clicks. But then, Persona 3 had nothing like that until the endgame, so there's still time for it to surprise me.
All of my favourite games, artists, movies, and anything else I’m interested in all have something that I don’t consider 10/10 so I definitely see what you mean
I think for me this weirdness is most obvious with books, the best novels that change you, stick in your memory and make you see the world differently are never 10/10s because that would mean they simply fulfilled the expectations you had before picking the book up.
A 10/10 novel is still awesome but it is more of a comfort food experience which while wonderful isn't the same kind of experience.
Pokémon Crystal and Red Ded Redemption 2
Two of my all-time favourite games. Both are probably top 10
You’re in for a treat. Both great games
Starting with? No clue.
I am hopeful that I might finally get around playing some scifi stuff that's been collecting dust on my digital shelves, like Sword of the Stars and Between the Stars (it finally left early access).
I might also dabble with PS2 games, I bought a damn console, put a nice HDD on it, all back in late 2023, and powered it on once in 2024.
I'll be happy if I play 10% of what I intend to 😞
Playing through the entire Dragon Age series, then Pillars of Eternity and Sea of Stars.
Yakuza 3. Probably for the 3rd time as well because there was too much time since I played and lost track of the plot.
I tried playing that new Marvel game and it sucks
How? It's an overwatch with new characters to experiment with.
I expected it to be a janky mess but it actually plays well.
Idk man I’m having a blast with Rivals.
Just started on the Witcher series. Went pretty cheap on the steam winter sale. Looking forward to it.
In order, from the first? I have only played W3, but I do have the classics on the backlog, or at least W2.
Yea I held out on 3 until I could get 1&2 so I can get the whole story.
Dishonoured, Uncharted Collection
I love Dishonored. Never played the Uncharted games but they look fun
Hopped back into Octopath (the first one) after finishing Sea of Stars. It's a honker of a game haha I feel like it's going to take me a while.