
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 days ago

I agree, I don't think they have any limit. Look at how invasive platforms like Facebook are, and yet they're still massively popular. Mobile operating systems are several times worse than Windows is for privacy and data harvesting, and people clearly don't care at all. They'll even happily consent to ever more levels of it - there's no evidence to suggest that they'll ever stop.

One of the biggest "mistakes" Microsoft made was not realizing how lucrative data collection could be. Back in the quaint old days of early PC computing, spyware was actually considered a bad thing. When Google came along, that philosophy was flipped on its head. Over the past 15 years, Microsoft has seeing what these spyware vendors are doing and salivating because they know that they are still the kings of computing - they still have total control the PC market and there's a good chance that it's not really going anywhere because most people hate change - even though Linux is starting to make inroads in quite a few places.

It would not be surprising if, in a few years, a Windows OS looks like a Google search page, or a cable television channel.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Ctrl+H to open history then!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Not necessarily! I always run ln -s '/usr/bin/$EDITOR' $(which $EDITOR) after a fresh install, so I have a valid executable on the path called $EDITOR.

Of course, then I have to make sure to add export EDITOR=\$EDITOR to my .bashrc. (Obviously.)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

And this is why I'm perfectly happy with Lemmy being the size that it is. There certainly are trade-offs - I wish niche communities were bigger - but is it worth bringing in all the other crap that comes in, like all the shit you see on Twitter? No, in my opinion.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

I haven't done too much work with WASM myself, but when I did, the only languages I saw recommended were Rust, C++, or TinyGo. From what I've heard, Rust and C++ are smoother than TinyGo. Garbage collected languages usually aren't great choices for compiling to wasm because wasm doesn't have any native garbage collection support. That limits your selection down a lot.

But another option you may want to consider is Nim. As I understand, it compiles to C, so any C->Wasm compiler should theoretically work for you as well. I did a quick search and wasn't able to find any great resources on how to do this, but you might get a bit more lucky. Good luck!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

You're probably right. I think COBOL development is one of the cases where the crazier stories are the ones that bubble to the top. The regular scene is probably more mundane.

I do think there are a few advantages to learning COBOL over C++. COBOL seems to be much stickier - companies that use it seem much more hesitant to replace it than a lot of the companies that use C++, and as a result, they will probably get more desperate. And while there's definitely a lot more C++ out there than COBOL, I have to imagine that the number of people under 50 that use COBOL is probably tiny, while C++ still has a very large userbase. On the other hand, consulting depends a lot on your portfolio, references, and past accomplishments, and nobody's going to pay 1k EUR/USD/etc. per hour (exaggerating, obviously) if you don't have any credentials. It takes time to build that up.

Ultimately, I do think you're pretty spot on, but we'll have to see. This is more just a fantasy I tell myself to make it seem like retirement is closer than it probably is....

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I fantasize about being one of those extremely well-paid Cobol consultants when I reach the later stages of my career. Hoping that I can earn a full year's salary in 3-4 months and take the rest of the time off as a semi-retirement. It would be easier said than done, but it's a dream that helps me get through the days when I get sick of the daily grind.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It was always obvious to me that as long as I was using closed source software that any day could come when the vendor would screw me over. In fact, it could have been running it with bundles and bundles of spyware already and I had no way of knowing it. So I pledged to start using open source software only, to make sure that wouldn't happen. First, I migrated all my desktop applications to open source alternatives. Then I finally made the switch.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't have any suggestions, but this is incredibly impressive. I haven't heard of before, but it sounds like you can create multiple identities using different phone numbers - is that correct?

If so, that sounds amazing. I really hate how the modern world is trying to force people into a singular identity online, and the way that they're using phone numbers to do it. This sounds like it could be a pretty decent method to avoid that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

it always got marginally better at best, and then it got worse again

But why? I think it's because Russians just don't exhibit a lot of civic engagement. When you see the kinds of things Putin did to get into power, do you think any of those actions would slide in any other well-functioning liberal democracies? Just look at how Ukraine responded during Euromaidan. You just don't see that kind of engagement happening in Russian society.

So why does it keep getting worse again? Unfortunately, it's because they let it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

This is very interesting! Things like this make me wish programmers would give functional^W declarative programming more of a chance. I've long fantasized about being able to write programs as declarative code that the computer can optimize automatically without human intervention. When you implement your program in more restrictive (ie. stateless) paradigms, you can more easily reason about the code, and thereby make it easier to optimize or run in different environments.

SQL is a great example of this - when you look at some of the optimizations that servers like PostgreSQL can do under the hood, this is because the language inherently limits what you can do so the actual system executing your instructions can do different things with it for better performance and reliability. Things like this are what make query optimizers possible, and it's really fascinating if you actually read carefully what query analyzers report (beyond just checking whether your indices are being used or not).

Beautiful chart. Thanks for sharing!


I'm getting IP-banned using youtube-dl. It seems that this is a known issue. Have any of you run into this, and if so, what has been your solution?

I currently use a VPN via a VPS. I am able to view youtube via the web client and use youtube-dl without VPN, but I am only unable to get through using the CLI on the VPN. I have also tried fiddling with some CLI args (like --extractor-args "youtube:player_client=web") but that is also unsuccessful.

My next step is to try signing up for mullvad to see if I can get around it that way, but would like to hear if this is affecting existing mullvad users.

Open to hearing other solutions as well. Thanks!


This is a very easy-to-read book on the implementation of xv6, which is a basic unix-like operating system written for educational purposes. xv6 itself is a very simple and straightforward kernel and the source code can be found here.

I've been reading it casually over the past few weeks and found that it helped me get a better understanding of many basic operating system concepts. I've also enjoyed reading the source code to understand what a basic implementation of common system calls could look like.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've used a US-QWERTY keyboard layout my entire life. I've seen other layouts that do things like reduce the size of the enter/backspace keys, move the pipe operator (|) and can't wrap my head around how I would code on those.

What are your experiences? Are there any layouts that you prefer for coding over US English? Are there any symbols that you have a hard time reaching ($ for example)?

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