Unless I completely misunderstand how this works, I think 5 is the only one that will fill up. It then overflows, preventing any of the taller ones from filling. 7 is shallower but won't start filling until 3 gets fuller than 5, which it never will. This would be true whether the blockage between 2 and 3 is a mistake or not.
Be sure to follow the rule before you head out.
Rule: You must post before you leave.
All of them are already full of air.
The number of people in these comments who already understand the self-siphoning nature of water with zero explanation required makes me so proud to be here among them.
i hate you.
edit: read replies before telling me that 7 is walled off
but ignoring my loss, if everything is pressurized i think 7 if unpressurized i think 5
Ignoring the walled off stuff, can you ELI5 why pressurized vs not changes things and how so?
7 won't ever fill because the pipe from 2 to 3 is blocked off.
well i didn't see that lol
The pipe from 2-3 is walled off though.
well i didn't see that lol
I came in to comment, "it probably would probably be 5, but I think it would depend on the flow rate?"
But reading the other comments, it looks like I'm OOTL on something? 🧐
im at a loss too
There might be something further upstream. All the way upstream.
point zero, in fact
Depends on the flow rate, but most likely 1 if the tap is running fast. Otherwise I have no idea.
Also, what's with these comments? What's so special/clever about this pic?
Someone would say you're at a...loss
Definitely cause your hint isn't helping.
I actually started to figure out the sequence...then I realized...fuck you, take my up vote
None. The water is not running.
All the candidates are thanked for their time and asked to leave except you, who get invited to join MIB.
Looks like they’re all full of air already
I'd recognise that pattern anywhere, but I focused in on the problem and almost didn't notice your dasterdly deed
... fuck.
What pattern? Judging by the comments this is some kind of trick but I don't know what it is lol
It’s a reference to this
Tap for spoiler
Ctrl+Alt+Delete! Wow there's a blast from the past!
It's the "loss" meme