Literally the ONLY WAY to have Prevented this was if THIS MAN SHOT the Assailant that Snuck Up On Him FIRST!
United States | News & Politics
How the fuck do you miss at point-blank range when your target is lying on the ground? I guess he's lucky that this fuckwit was completely incompetent on top of being insane.
Trigger pull?
I mean yes. It's very possible to miss. I guess I'm flabbergasted that someone who would engage in this kind of vigilante justice (they always think they're doing the right thing) would be so incompetent as to not be able to hit their target when they're directly adjacent.
The shooter seemed not just incompetent but nervous. He announced himself to the victim, went back and forth a couple times to a bush and then put on a mask. That guy sucks and I hope he gets caught.
Seriously how is there not a single description of the assailant?
Is America great again now?
It never was great. But it could be if we pass state level electoral reform making more then two political parties viable.
Wtf? like if you're going to randomly kill someone why bother with the theatrics?
This smells like some kind of stupid nazi hazing. Probably had to work up the guts to do it.
Yeah, this feels like some stupid neo-Nazi or Klan jump-in ritual.
Just shows how pathetic they are. They need to make someone feel as small they are.
Anyone with information on the case is urged to contact the Dallas Police Department.
The Source
Information from this article comes from the Dallas Police Department and an interview with the victim.
So there's a black man shot in Texas by a mysterious assailant. He spoke with this man two times (at least) before the man put a mask on and shot him. He surely communicated these details to the police and to the person who interviewed him about this article.
Police are urging people to come forward with any information they might have that could help identify the shooter.
But I don't even know the skin color of the man who shot him (though I have my guesses) because the FOX news article felt this was something that didn't need to be included.
I don't live in the area but if I did and I was trying to spot this man, it would be good to have some physical description wouldn't it?
It's almost if, and I know this sounds crazy, Fox News in Dallas, Texas doesn't really give a shit about helping a black man find his attempted murderer, and/or they don't want to print "black man is shot by white man for no reason while jogging."
Am I making some assumptions? Yes I am. Because the lack of detail in this article requires me to do so.
This article wasn't 'written'. I'd guess it was generated from a video clip.