That's one of the worst wands 😭
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I don't get it. What have you solved here that's specific to mage? You can just step on the flock traps or throw literally any item on them. If you don't want to wait around for them to disappear, you can do this and then walk away and keep exploring.
It’s just about the starting items: Staff of Magic Missile, Cloth Armor, Ration of Food and 0/20 waterskin.
Only the food ration will be unavailable, but the sheep are long gone when you get hungry. Also throwing waterskin wouldn’t be an issue, but you’ll have to wait with collecting dews.
Just throw the food bruh.
I guess. It's just such a miniscule thing to be pleased with. You can throw anything you find on floor 1 at those traps to trigger them except a potion.
Though to be fair, you can almost always just step on the sheep traps without any danger. I love finding those rooms. Means I get a free levitation potion.
Yes, but you lose satiation for the amount of rounds, the sheep block you.
Don't you suffer the same fate on the screenshot though?
No, I can go on exploring the floor and then go to that room when I’m back at the entrance … or go there when I’m out of staff charges.
edit: No, I’m wrong. It only feels like taking longer, but the detour would take more turns. Unless I have to wait for my staff to recharge anyways.
If you can't bare loosing some efficiency (you must be fun as a coder in a really big, multinational project) you can just throw a random item at the traps. You don't even loose one charge of the second worst wand of the game.