Travis wasn't wild, he was raised by humans. Chimpanzees are very well known for their violent behavior & outbursts and IIRC the guy was also drugged.
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Still wild. An animal doesn't stop being a wild animal because it was raised in captivity, I think. The opposite is domesticated. So, domesticated like dogs and cows, raised in captivity (like most animals in zoos) or raised in the wilderness. Travis was most definitely not a domesticated animal.
Many pets are not really domesticated. They're just tame because they grew up around humans. Cats are a good example for that.
I can't tell if you're making a joke, but cats are definitely domesticated.
If you want a pet, get a dog. Much friendlier and very low risk of ripping your arms and face off.
I've seen poorly raised dogs mauling children. 100% the fault of the owners for being dipshits, but even domesticated animals are a risk. An animal is an animal, we are not masters of the universe, we can't control them. Just, be wise and learn how to properly train and socialize a dog. Even my lovely poodle who had never even growled in 6 years, once threatened to bite another dog in the park because the owner thought it was fine to leave him off the leash and it came at her aggressive and too fast. She was fine with the other properly socialized dogs, but this one overstepped the boundaries and almost got hurt. The owner liked to claim she had trained her baby, but there she was screaming like a hysterical idiot and being completely ignored by her perfect angel who thought he could prowl the world. That dog got lost for two days not much later.
A few of my friends keep telling me to watch a recent HBO show called Chimp Crazy, which mentions this incident among others. Chimpanzees can pull with roughly 800lbs (~360kg) of force, meaning they can literally rip parts of your body off (which also happened to the victim in the OP). If you're going to have a pet, probably best to ensure it's one that isn't disproportionately stronger than you are. But really, just don't be a dumbass and keep exotic pets that can easily slaughter you.
The wiki article seems to list three possible causes for the attack:
Travis was on medication for Lyme disease and was also given tea laced with Xanax before the attack.
The woman who was attacked had a different haircut and car than Travis last saw her with, and this may have confused/enraged Travis.
A Tickle Me Elmo toy (Travis' favorite toy) being presented by the victim sent Travis into a rage.
In conclusion, chimpanzees should never be pets, and you especially should not give them benzos.
My takeaway was that having a chimpanzee as a pet is fine and so is giving them benzos but what you should really avoid doing is giving them a Tickle Me Elmo doll.
Afaik they have a history of sudden violent behavior so I wouldn't try it. There's calmer apes to choose from, though I would argue holding apes as pets is in most cases kinda fucked up anyway unless you are some sort of sanctuary that's taking care of orphaned ones that wouldn't survive in the wild.
So do I just cut the benzos in half for the calmer apes?
Throw them yourself so you won't feel it so much when the ape mauls your face off.
Even worse: Give them a harem of Furbies that 'talk' to each other.
Or ever have a different car or haircut upon subsequent visits
Same haircut, same car, bring benzos. Got it
You can see he is not healthy. The guy is obese. Fuck people that keep wild animals in captivity... unless they need to be rescued.
And just because we are here Fuck Sea World
Everyone should watch the documentary "Blackfish".
The 911 call of this incident is fucked up
Like, how fucked up? I just read through the whole thing and it didn't mention it from what I saw.
don't ever look up the photos. like...ever
God damnit I wish I had scrolled to see your comment first. Jesus Christ
"Sandra, at this point, believing Charla to be dead, then rushed to her car, locked herself inside, and called 911. Travis's screams can be heard in the background at the start of the tape as she pleads for the police, who initially believed the call to be a hoax until she said, "He's eating her!""
Damn, that reminds me of the hardest part to watch in Nope.
Yeah, I found it after I commented.