Had a friend who said he was considering removing the exhaust on his bike because it would sound cooler, everyone else in the friendgroup said we would pour sugar in his gastank if he ever did that
Fuck Cars
A place to discuss problems of car centric infrastructure or how it hurts us all. Let's explore the bad world of Cars!
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I hate ICE motorcycle/moped for that. They're by default loud, louder than ICE car, and sometime people will mod it even louder for "safety" because they weave dangerously and want people to know they're there. It's the reason i appreciate electric motorcycle, they're so damn quiet.
Jacked up trucks with a Carolina squat and just headers, with four 14” woofers in the bed, up and down the road at 4am. Epitome of human trash.
If its any consolation wrt Harley riders, the company is losing customers to old age, and attempts to appeal to the younger generation just get the old one (their existing base) mad enough to protest loudly against it, leading to the rep of it being a weekend warrior bike for grandpa to live his never was (as opposed to has been) biker fantasy. Not gonna stop a particular brand of pencil-dicks from making their cars loud and obnoxious, ofc, but still, take w's where you can.
I had to listen to a friend of my gf's sister talking how she will make her car loud and all that. I really wanted to punch her in the face for being such an absolute dumbass. Why do you need your car to be above the legal sound limit?